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Releases: mawww/kakoune

Kakoune 2023.08.05

05 Aug 01:07
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This is a bug fix release

  • Fix compilation errors on FreeBSD and MacOS using clang

Kakoune 2023.07.29

29 Jul 09:05
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  • <a-u> and <a-U> now undo/redo selection changes; the previous meaning of moving in history tree has been moved to <c-j> and <c-k>

  • %exp{...} expansions provide flexible quoting for expanded strings (as double quoted strings)

  • <c-g> cancels the current operation and goes back to the main event loop, this provides an escape hatch when Kakoune seems to hang due to a costly operation

  • show-matching -previous highlighter will fall back onto the character preceeding the cursor

Kakoune 2022.10.31

30 Oct 22:13
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  • complete-command to specify and change how a command is completed

  • p, P, ! and <a-!> commands now select the inserted text

  • x now just extends the selection to contain full lines (as <a-x> did) <a-x> trims partial lines from the selection (as <a-X> did)

  • User mappings is now bound to <space> while keeping/removing main selection moved to , and <a-,>

  • Prompt history registers %reg{colon}, %reg{slash} and %reg{pipe} now have reverse chronological order

  • Executing user mode mappings no longer adds to prompt history registers.

Kakoune 2021.11.08

07 Nov 05:56
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Bug fixes after feedback from 2021.10.28

  • Support for curly and separately colored underlines (undocumented in 2021.10.28)
  • Fixes for terminal flickering
  • Fixes for command and response fifo corner cases

Kakoune 2021.10.28

27 Oct 22:20
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  • g and v do not auto lower case the next key, so GL needs to be manually mapped to Gl for example.

  • Fix flickering issues on some terminals such as the linux console

Kakoune v2021.08.28

28 Aug 04:13
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  • command and response fifo support

  • Shell expansions only trim the last trailing newline instead of all of them to make is possible to losslessly pass text through %sh{...}.

  • set-option -remove support for subtracting/removing from option values

  • Menu completions such as command name completion are now auto-inserted on space

  • write -atomic was replaced with write -method [replace|overwrite] to make both write methods available explicitly

  • write <filename> will fail if the given filename already exists and is a regular file. Use the -force switch to override that behaviour.

  • ncurses was replaced with a custom terminal escape sequence backend, ncurses is not a dependency anymore.

Kakoune v2020.09.01

01 Sep 10:52
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This is mostly a bugfix release.

  • Daemon mode (-d switch) does not fork anymore.
  • Fix crash on completion.

Kakoune v2020.08.04

04 Aug 09:49
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  • Introduce User hook support.

  • The bold and italic faces are no longer built-in. Highlighters
    are expected to use face attributes (+b and +i, respectively) to
    decorate text.

  • The lint-enable command no longer needs to be called to display
    linting errors. The lint-disable command was renamed into

  • The +<length> part of a range-specs highlighter consistently
    refers to the length of the target range.

  • clients stdin is transferred to the server, making it possible
    to pipe into kak -c <session>

  • Faces can have an alpha channel, specified using the
    rgba:RRGGBBAA format.

  • replace-ranges highlighter now support empty and multi-lines ranges

  • %val{...} now expands to list of strings, $kak_quoted_... now work
    as expected with these.

  • *SetOption hooks filter string will contain a value only for options
    of int/str/bool types to avoid performance issue with generating those
    on more complex option types.

Kakoune v2020.01.16

16 Jan 10:02
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Mostly a bug fix release for various issues in v2019.12.10

  • Expose history tree through $kak_history and $kak_uncommitted_modifications

  • InsertCompletionHide parameter is the list of inserted ranges

Kakoune v2019.12.10

10 Dec 10:43
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  • Arrow keys and <home>, <end> are not normal mode commands anymore but default key mappings.

  • ModeChange hook parameter now takes push: or pop: prefix, InsertBegin, InsertEnd, NormalBegin and NormalEnd were removed.

  • -verbatim switch in evaluate-commands for perfect command forwarding to another context.

  • WrapMarker face used by wrap -marker highlighter

  • info supports markup with the -markup switch

  • rename-buffer gained -file and -scratch switches to support converting buffer types.