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This demo project was presented at JuliaCon2021 to showcase a minimal example of the AWSClusterManagers.jl package on AWS Batch. The job submitted to Batch calculates the approximate value of PI. The explanation for this can be found in this article.

The job will:

  1. Launch four worker nodes
  2. Have each worker run a small process
  3. Retrieve and combine the results
  4. Display the results to CloudWatch logs


Note: When running this package you will be responsible for all AWS charges in your account. On-Demand instances at the time of writing are charged on a per-minute basis. An estimated cost for running the demo project and immediately destroying the stacks is around $0.50 USD.

To launch this yourself:

  1. Store your AWS account ID in an variable
    AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text)
  2. Create a new ECR (Elastic Cloud Registry) repository to host you Docker image as:
    aws cloudformation create-stack --template-body file://ecr_template.yml --stack-name awsclustermanagers-ecr
  3. Build the Docker image for this project
    docker build -t $ .
  4. Push the Docker image to the ECR repo created in the second step
    docker push $
  5. Deploy the remainder of the Batch resources required to run the demo
    aws cloudformation create-stack --template-body file://batch_template.yml --stack-name awsclustermanagers-batch
  6. Submit your job to AWS Batch!
    aws batch submit-job --job-name aws-batch-demo --job-definition AWSClusterManagersDemo-Job --job-queue awsclustermanagers-demo
  7. To view the results simply run:
    STREAM_NAME=$(aws logs describe-log-streams --log-group-name /aws/batch/job --query logStreams[1].logStreamName --output text)
    aws logs get-log-events --log-group-name /aws/batch/job --log-stream-name $STREAM_NAME --output text


  1. Deleting the Batch stack is simply:
    aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name awsclustermanagers-batch
  2. Deleting the ECR stack is slightly more complex
    • First we need to remove all images from the ECR repo by running:

      IMAGES_TO_DELETE=$( aws ecr list-images --repository-name awsclustermanagers-demo --filter "tagStatus=ANY" --query 'imageIds[*]' --output json )
      aws ecr batch-delete-image --repository-name awsclustermanagers-demo --image-ids "$IMAGES_TO_DELETE"
    • We can then delete the ECR stack by running:

      aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name awsclustermanagers-ecr


Demo for AWSClusterManagers.jl presented at JuliaCon2021







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