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Copyright 2013 Matthew Harvey

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


DailyCashManager is graphical desktop application written in standard C++, using C++11 features. It provides a means for individuals and households to keep a record of their financial transactions, and to manage their spending using the envelope budgeting system.


DailyCashManager is written in standard C++, and utilizes some C++11 features. To build and install the application, you will need:

  • A reasonably conformant C++ compiler and standard library implementation (DailyCashManager has been successfully built with GCC 4.7.2 and with later versions; it has not been tested with other compilers)
  • A Tcl interpreter (known to work with version 8.6)
  • CMake (version 2.8 or later)
  • The Boost C++ libraries (version 1.53.0 or later)
  • The Jewel C++ library (version 1.0.0 or later)
  • The Sqloxx C++ library (version 1.0.0 or later)
  • wxWidgets (version 2.9.3 or later)

If you want to build the API documentation, you will need:

  • Doxygen (known to work with version

To build a binary installer for Windows, you will need:

  • Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (NSIS) (known to work with version 2.46)

At the time of writing, these dependencies can be obtained from the following locations:








Initial build configuration

Open a command line and cd to the project root.

On Unix-like systems, enter:

cmake -i

(On Windows, you will need to use the -G option to choose a Makefile generator, or else run cmake-gui.exe .. See CMake documentation for further details.)

You will be prompted with Would you like to see the advanced options? [No]:. Enter n. Then follow the prompts.

(If you run into trouble with the build or have atypical requirements, you can return to this step and answer y to configure more detailed build options.)

If in doubt about a particular option, it is generally best simply to hit enter and keep the default setting for the option.

Note the options ENABLE_ASSERTION_LOGGING, ENABLE_EXCEPTION_LOGGING and ENABLE_LOGGING. These determine whether the JEWEL_ENABLE_ASSERTION_LOGGING, JEWEL_ENABLE_EXCEPTION_LOGGING and JEWEL_ENABLE_LOGGING macros will be defined. If in doubt, it is recommended to leave these logging options ON. (For more information on the significance of these macros, see the documentation for the jewel::Log class, in the Jewel library.)

Basic installation

On Unix-like systems

On Unix-like systems, you must currently build and install from source. Unpackage the source tarball, cd into the root of the project source directory, then enter:

make install

You may need to run this as root, i.e.:

sudo make install

This will cause the application and tests to be built (if not built already), and will cause the tests to be run, with the results output to the console.

If and only if all the tests succeed, installation of the application will then proceed. For your information, a list of the installed files will be saved in the file "install_manifest.txt", in the project root.

If any tests fail, you are encouraged to send the developer your test output, along with the file "DailyCashManager_test.log" (which should appear in the project root), and the details of your system and build environment. (See Contact below for contact details.)

On Windows

Installing from binary installer

This is by far the easiest way to install DailyCashManager on Windows.

A binary installer can be obtained from

Having downloaded the binary installer, simply double-click on the installer icon, and follow the prompts.

Building the binary installer

If you want to build and install from source on Windows, you should build the binary installer first, then install the application using the binary installer. To build the binary installer, open a command prompt, and cd to the root of the unpackaged source directory. Then run cmake -G ... to tell CMake which generator to use (with the ... replaced with an appropriate string specifying the generator - see CMake documentation for details).

The binary installer will be built via CMake using the NSIS CMake module. By default, installers built via this module will not overwrite existing files with the same name. This is likely to cause unexpected behaviour when using the installer to upgrade from one version of the application to another. To avoid this confusion, and create an installer that will always overwrite older versions, you will need to manually change the file "", which should be located in the directory in which CMake is installed on your system, under the subdirectory "share\cmake-[major-version].[minor-version]\Modules". In "", just above the section entitled "General", add a line reading:

SetOverwrite on

Save the amended "". (Note this will, of course, affect all NSIS installers built using this CMake module, not just for DailyCashManager.) Now, return to the unpackaged DailyCashManager source directory, and on the command line, and enter:

make package

This will cause the application and tests to be built, and will cause the tests to be run, with the results output to the console. Only if all the tests succeed, a binary installer will be created, titled "DailyCashManager-vX.Y.Z-setup.exe" (or similar, with "X", "Y" and "Z" being replaced by major, minor and patch version numbers, respectively). Execute this file, and follow the prompts to install the application.

On some configurations on Windows, it has been found that CMake is unable to locate wxWidgets during the build process, even if is installed on the system. To get around this, the CMake build script ("CMakeLists.txt") provides for the possibility of invoking an additional, custom build script, titled "wxWidgetsSpecial.cmake". If CMake cannot find wxWidgets in the normal way, then it looks for a file by this name, and invokes it if found. If you are familiar with the CMake scripting language, and you run into this problem, this gives you the opportunity to manually tell CMake which libraries etc. to link to on your system, by putting appropriate additional CMake commands into a file you create with this name; on most systems, however, you should not have to do this.

To generate the documentation

If you have Doxygen installed and want to generate the API documentation, then enter the following at the project root:

make docs

HTML documentation will then be generated in the project root directory, under "html", and can be browsed by opening the following file in your web browser:

[project root]/html/index.html

Almost all of the Doxygen markup is contained in the C++ headers; so an alternative source of information on the DailyCashManager API, is simply to examine the headers directly.

Other build targets

To clean build

Go to the project root and enter:

make clean

This will clean all build targets from the project root, including the source tarball (see below) if present, but NOT including the HTML documentation. This is due to a quirk of CMake. To remove the HTML documentation, simply manually delete the "html" directory from the project root.

Note this will not cause the application to be uninstalled from the host system.

To build without installing or testing

At the project root, enter:

make dailycashmanager

To build and run the test suite without installing

At the project root, enter:

make test

After the test driver executable is built, the tests will automatically be run and the results displayed.

If any tests fail, you are strongly encouraged to send the developer your test output, along with the file "DailyCashManager_test.log" (which should appear in the project root), and the details of your system and build environment. (See below for contact details.)

To build a package for distribution

If you are running a Unix-like system, and have the tar command available, you can build a tarball of the project sources by entering the following at the project root:

make package

The tarball will appear in the project root directory.

If you are running Windows, the same command (make package) will cause a binary installer to be created; again, this will appear in the project root directory.

As a safety measure, running make package always causes the tests to be built and run, prior to the package being built. The package will not be built unless all the tests pass.

To build a .desktop file

On Linux systems, you may want to create a .desktop file for use with xdg-desktop-icon and related utilities. This can be done by entering:

make desktop_file

The file "dailycashmanager.desktop" should then appear in the project root.

To build multiple targets in one go

To build the application, build the tests and run the tests with one command, go to the project root, and enter:


Note this will NOT install the application, will NOT generate the documentation, will NOT generate a .desktop file, and will NOT build a source tarball.


On Unix-like systems

There is currently no make uninstall target; however, manual uninstallation is easy enough.

In the project directory from which you ran make install, there should be a plain text file entitled "install_manifest.txt". To uninstall DailyCashManager, manually remove each of the files listed in this manifest. In addition, there is likely to be a configuration file, ".DailyCashManager", in your home folder; if present, remove it also (rm ~/.DailyCashManager).

If you want to be very thorough, you may also want to remove the log file, which, if present, should be located at "/tmp/DailyCashManager.log".

On Windows

Run the uninstaller, which should be located in the same folder as the "dailycashmanager.exe". (Unless you specified otherwise when installing the application, this will usually have defaulted to either "C:\Program Files (x86)\DailyCashManager" or "C:\Program Files\DailyCashManager). The uninstaller can usually also be accessed via the Start menu, under "All Programs\DailyCashManager\Uninstall".
