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VBA Modules

This repo contains some modules we use often at work for offices files with macros. There are some functions in VBA which are difficult or verbose to use (like regex, searching text, etc.). The aim of this repo is to make all these functions easier to use.

There's also a file which use this modules to complete doc Word templates from an Excel table in useful files.


Just press "Import" in the VBA IDE and add this file. It will be imported with the same name.


Module Description
mdlAdobeAcrobat It works if you have Adobe Acrobat. It can open it and read files.
mdlArrays It lets you add to array, join and search in them (Arrays are hard in VBA).
mdlExcel It has some method to look for in rows, columns, etc.
mdlFiles It has some methods to open dialog box for files, dirs, delete files, etc.
mdlInternet It has methods to make requests to internet and URL encode strings.
mdlStrings It has some methods to search case insensitive in strings and execute regex.
mdlUtils It has some methods like get an array number or wait.
mdlWord It lets you interact with some methods in Word Apps.
mdlZip It lets you zip and unzip files into zip files.


Public Sub showNextEmptyRow()
  Dim nextEmptyRow as Single: nextEmptyRow = mdlExcel.getNextEmptyRow(WorkSheet1, 1, 1, 100)
  MsgBox nextEmptyRow
End Sub


MIT @ Matias Puig


It has some VBA modules we need at work.






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