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Oh My Zsh aliases for common pnpm commands


  1. Clone the repository
git clone --depth=1 ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-$HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/pnpm
  1. Include it in your ~/.zshrc:
plugins=(... pnpm)


Alias Command Description
p pnpm The pnpm command
pa pnpm add Install a package in dependencies (package.json)
pad pnpm add --save-dev Install a package in devDependencies (package.json)
pap pnpm add --save-peer Install a package in peerDependencies (package.json)
pao pnpm add --save-optional Install a package in optionalDependencies (package.json)
pae pnpm add --save-exact Install a package with an exact version (package.json)
prm pnpm remove Remove package from node_modules and package.json
pin pnpm install Install dependencies specified in package.json
pinh pnpm install --shamefully-hoist Install dependencies with a flat node_modules structure
pls pnpm list List installed packages and their dependencies
po pnpm outdated Check for outdated packages
pu pnpm update Update dependencies
pui pnpm update --interactive Update dependencies interactively
puil pnpm update --interactive --latest Update all dependencies interactively, ignoring ranges specified in package.json
pga pnpm add --global Install a package globally
pgrm pnpm remove --global Remove a global package
pgu pnpm update --global Update packages globally
pgls pnpm list --global List global packages
pr pnpm run Run a script defined in package.json
prun pnpm run Run a script defined in package.json
pex pnpm exec Execute a shell command in scope of a project
pdx pnpm dlx Fetch a package from the registry without installing, hotload it and run it
pd pnpm dev Run the dev script defined in package.json
pdo pnpm dev --open Run the dev script defined in package.json and open browser on startup
pb pnpm build Run the build script defined in package.json
pst pnpm start Run the start script defined in package.json
psv pnpm serve Run the serve script defined in package.json
ppr pnpm preview Run the preview script defined in package.json
pt pnpm test Run the test script defined in package.json
pln pnpm lint Run the lint script defined in package.json
pfm pnpm format Run the format script defined in package.json
pi pnpm init Create a package.json file
ppub pnpm publish Publish a package to the registry
pc pnpm create Create a project from a create-* or @foo/create-* starter kit
pnuke rm -rf node_modules/ pnpm-lock.yaml Delete node_modules and pnpm-lock.yml
pnrc echo shamefully-hoist=true > .npmrc Create npm configuration file with shamefully-hoist=true