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OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider + Rucio server setup w/ Docker

This is a repository to setup an example OIDC provider using (node-oidc-provider)[] and (Rucio)[] using docker-compose.

The purpose of each directory is as follows:

  • oidc-provider: Contains OIDC provider which Rucio server will be an OIDC client
  • rucio-server: Contains the Rucio server configuration files that are mounted into the necessary Rucio containers
  • rucio-ui: Contains Rucio UI container build files from original repo but modified to allow for using just HTTP (not just HTTPS w/ SSL)


  • Used Rucio documentation for configuring the server for OIDC AuthN/Z found here
  • (currently) Have hard-coded the Rucio clients into the oidc-provider so they are "pre-registered"
  • No Rucio Storage Elements (RSEs) are setup, just the Rucio server, database, and UI


To spin up both the OIDC provider and Rucio, simply issue

docker-compose build
docker-compose up

If you also would like to have xrootd RSEs included, instead use the docker-compose.xrootd.yml file:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.xrootd.yml build
docker-compose -f docker-compose.xrootd.yml up

Add the OIDC identity to the admin account to finalize OIDC setup

To finalize the OIDC setup, we need to add the local OIDC provider identity to the admin account.

Steps include:

  1. We need to get the credentials username and password that the Rucio database init container bootstrapped the Rucio database with.

In the .env file, this will be the RUCIO_USERPASS_IDENTITY and RUCIO_USERPASS_PWD.

We need to do this since we cannot authenticate with Rucio with OIDC yet since there is no matching identity in Rucio that the OIDC provider is going to send back.

Thus, we need to create this identity via authenticating with a different strategy (here, userpass)

  1. We need to determine what the SUB name will be.

When we perform the OIDC flow in the browser, this will be the "name" we enter into the OIDC provider's authentication page.

Our local OIDC provider just takes this name value and returns it as the SUB (no accounts required)

  1. We are now read to add this identity to the Rucio server to finalize OIDC setup

Re need to run an admin Rucio client in order to add this identity.

There is a dockerized Rucio client setup under rucio-client/.

To run this client against the Rucio server, run:

./rucio-client/rucio-client/rucio-client-docker http://localhost:8080

Below, we will define the variables as:

  • RUCIO_USERPASS_IDENTITY: Username for Rucio userpass strategy from step (1)
  • RUCIO_USERPASS_PWD: Password for Rucio userpass strategy from step (1)
  • RUCIO_SUB_NAME: The subscriber name we chose in step (2)

With the above credentials and variables defined, we are ready to add the identity via the Rucio client.

Inside the started up client container, run:

rucio-admin -S=userpass --user=${RUCIO_USERPASS_IDENTITY} --password=${RUCIO_USERPASS_PWD} identity add --account root --type OIDC --id "SUB=${RUCIO_SUB_NAME}, ISS=http://localhost:9000" --account=root --email "foo@bar.baz"


Using the Rucio client, you can test the setup via a file upload and download.


  1. Login via OIDC on the CLI
rucio -S=OIDC -a=root whoami
  1. Add a new RSE
rucio-admin rse add XRD1
  1. Specify that this new RSE will use the ROOT protocol
rucio-admin rse add-protocol \
    --hostname localhost \
    --scheme root \
    --prefix '//rucio/' \
    --port 1094 \
    --impl rucio.rse.protocols.xrootd.Default \
    --domain-json '{"wan": {"read": 1, "write": 1, "delete": 1, "third_party_copy": 1}, "lan": {"read": 1, "write": 1, "delete": 1}}' \
  1. Set the file transfer service for this RSE
rucio-admin rse set-attribute --rse XRD1 --key fts --value localhost:8446
  1. Set "indefinite" storage quota for root
rucio-admin account set-limits root XRD1 -1
  1. Create a Rucio "scope" named "test"
rucio-admin scope add --account root --scope test
  1. Create and upload a test file (file1) to this new RSE:
touch file1
rucio upload --rse XRD1 --scope test file1
  1. Download the file
rucio download test:file1