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(kitty|wezterm)+tmux+(n?vim) seamless navigation

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Sailor.vim is a (n)vim and tmux plugin which allows a seamless navigation between kitty windows, tmux panes and (n)vim buffers.

Use cases

Locally all the craziest things should work. This means you should be able to sailor between any sort of kitty/tmux/nvim split nomatter its nature. Let's try to illustrate it:

+ ---------------------------- + ------------------------ +
| kitty window                 | kitty window             |
|                              |                          |
|   + ------- tmux ------- +   |                          |
|   |                      |   |                          |
|   |   + --- nvim --- +   |   |                          |
|   |   |              |   |   |                          |
|   |   | buffer       |   |   |                          |
|   |   |              |   |   |                          |
|   |   + ------------ +   |   |                          |
|   |                      |   |                          |
|   + -------------------- +   + ------------------------ +
|   |                      |   |                          |
|   | tmux pane            |   |   + ----- nvim ----- +   |
|   |                      |   |   |                  |   |
|   |                      |   |   | buffer           |   |
|   |                      |   |   |                  |   |
|   + -------------------- +   |   + ---------------- +   |
|                              |                          |
+ ---------------------------- + ------------------------ +


This plugin provides the following mappings which allow you to move between vim splits, tmux panes, and kitty windows seamlessly.

  • <ctrl-h> => Left
  • <ctrl-j> => Down
  • <ctrl-k> => Up
  • <ctrl-l> => Right


The script will create some symbolic links for kitty so it is straightforward to get it running. You will need to restart kitty so all the configuration works fine. This file runs after the vim/nvim plugin is installed.


  • This requires kitty version higher than 0.13.1 and lower than 0.24.x.
  • Requires newer version of tmux version higher than 2.7.

Editor: vim/nvim.

Use your favorite plugin manager (packer.nvim in the example) and add this repository to your plugin list

packer.use {
  run = "./"


When installing the vim/nvim plugin, the installer is going to create and kittens into ~/.config/kitty/kittens. We still need to configure two more things:

  1. Add the following to your ~/.config/kitty/kitty.conf file:
map ctrl+j kitten kittens/ kittens/neighboring_window bottom ctrl+j
map ctrl+k kitten kittens/ kittens/neighboring_window top    ctrl+k
map ctrl+h kitten kittens/ kittens/neighboring_window left   ctrl+h
map ctrl+l kitten kittens/ kittens/neighboring_window right  ctrl+l

By default vim-kitty-navigator uses the name of the current foreground process to detect when it is in a (neo)vim session or not. If that doesn't work, (or if you want to support applications other than vim) you can supply a fourth optional argument to the call in your kitty.conf file to match the process name.

map ctrl+j kitten kittens/ kittens/neighboring_window bottom ctrl+j "^.* - nvim$"
map ctrl+k kitten kittens/ kittens/neighboring_window top    ctrl+k "^.* - nvim$"
map ctrl+h kitten kittens/ kittens/neighboring_window left   ctrl+h "^.* - nvim$"
map ctrl+l kitten kittens/ kittens/neighboring_window right  ctrl+l "^.* - nvim$"
  1. Enable kitty allow_remote_control and listen_on option:

Set it on the ~/.config/kitty/kitty.conf file:

allow_remote_control yes
listen_on unix:/tmp/mykitty


Start kitty with the listen_on option so that vim can send commands to it.

kitty -o allow_remote_control=yes --listen-on unix:/tmp/mykitty

The listening address can be customized in your .vimrc or init.lua by setting

vim.g.kitty_navigator_listening_on_address = 'unix:/tmp/mykitty'

### tmux.

If you're using [TPM](, 
just add this snippet to your tmux.conf:

set -g @plugin 'marromlam/sailor.vim'

And update your tmux session, tipically prefix+I. If you do not want to ue TPM, then you should just copy-paste the .tmux file to your tmux.conf file.

SSH Compatibility

With the settings above, navigation should work well locally. But if you need kitty-tmux navigation also work through ssh, follow steps below:

  1. Install kitty on your remote machine, here I show how to do it in linux using linuxbrew: How To.
wget -O kitty.txz
mkdir $HOMEBREW_PREFIX/Cellar/kitty
tar xf kitty.txz -C $HOMEBREW_PREFIX/Cellar/kitty
ln -sf $HOMEBREW_PREFIX/Cellar/kitty/bin/kitty $HOMEBREW_PREFIX/bin
rm kitty.txz

With kitty installed on your remote system and remote control enabled, your should be able to use remote control from ssh. But because of reasons explained here, it won't work from inside tmux. So we're going to need some workarounds.

  1. Set remote port forwarding when using SSH.
ssh -R 50000:${KITTY_LISTEN_ON#*:} user@host

The remote TCP port 50000 can be changed to anything depending on your needs.

You can put it as an alias on your shell rc file so you don't type it all the time.

alias ssh='ssh -R 50000:${KITTY_LISTEN_ON#*:}'
  1. Add the following snippet to your remote machine's .zshrc or something similar on other shell:
# Set KITTY_PORT env variable
if [[ $SSH_TTY ]] && ! [ -n "$TMUX" ]; then
  export KITTY_PORT=`kitty @ ls 2>/dev/null | grep "[0-9]:/tmp/mykitty" | head -n 1 | cut -d : -f 1 | cut -d \" -f 2`


  • Source kitty path so the binary can be called from anywhere
  • Set the KITTY_PORT environment variable automatically from the foreground process that call ssh.
  • Set terminal key binding for changing kitty window when not using tmux
  1. Don't forget to install the tmux plugin on your remote system also. And copy to your remote machine ~/.config/kitty directory.


This plugin is a fork from vim-kitty-navigator extending it's capabilities to also work with tmux pane navigation. The aim is to make navigation between Kitty windows, tmux panes, and vim splits seamless. With some extra configuration, kitty-tmux navigation works even through SSH!