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nini-era πŸš€

Bringing Rust-Inspired Optional and Error Handling to JavaScript

nini-era is a npm package that introduces Rust's Option and error handling concepts to JavaScript, offering a powerful and elegant solution.

The name "nini-era" is inspired by the Japanese term "nini era" (任意エラー), which conveys the idea of an error that is not mandatory and can be managed or ignored based on the context. This library aims to simplify and enhance error handling and optional value management in your JavaScript code.

Key Features 🌟

With nini-era, you can:

  • Effortlessly handle errors πŸ› οΈ
  • Streamline your error-handling workflow with clean and concise code πŸ“

You can chain error-handling operations, making your code more readable and maintainable, particularly in scenarios involving multiple error-prone operations.

Installation πŸ’‘

You can install nini-era via npm:

npm add nini-era

Usage πŸ’»

Here's a brief overview of how you can use nini-era in your JavaScript code:

// Everything happens synchronously
// Similar to working with promises
const result = Optional.of(anyFunction)
  // Continue using the return value
  .then((value) => transform(value))
  // Customize the error message if 'then' fails
  .expect("something to happen")
  // Handle any occurring error, attempting to rescue or rethrow
  .catch((error) => transformError(error))
  // Unwrap the final value

In certain cases, you may wish to provide a default value in the event of an error. This default value is utilized only when an error occurs.

// Result will either be the return type of 'transform(value)' or 'defaultTransformed'
const result = Optional.of(anyFunction)
  // Continue using the return value
  .then((value) => transform(value))
  // Unwrap the final value or provide an alternative value
  .elseUnwrap(() => defaultTransformed);

Documentation πŸ“˜

For more in-depth information on using nini-era, refer to the documentation of this repository.

Contributing 🀝

We welcome contributions from the community! If you want to enhance nini-era, please review our contribution guidelines to get started.

License πŸ“œ

nini-era is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License. See LICENSE for more details.

Credits πŸ™

nini-era draws inspiration from the simplicity and elegance of Rust's Option and error handling. We extend our gratitude to the Rust community for inspiring this project.

GitHub Repository

"nini-era - Where simplicity meets elegance."


Elevating JavaScript with Rust's Error Magic πŸͺ„ - Bridging the Gap Between JavaScript and Rust for Effortless Error Handling and Elegance




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