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Team Timelaps: Udacity Challenge 2017

This code is designed to work with the data provided by Udacity for the 2017 Self Driving Car Challenge.


This code has been developed on a mix of OS/X Sierra and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS hosted on a MacBook Pro, a VirtualBox VM and run on Google Cloud Platform.

The following packages are dependencies:

  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • ROS Kinetic
  • Python 2.7
  • OpenCV (ROS Provided)
  • Numpy (Latest)
  • Pandas (Latest)
  • MayAvi (Provided in Ubuntu 16.04)
  • matplotlib
  • Catkin (Provided by ROS Kinetic)
  • Velodyne drivers (see here for installation)


To train the model, perform the following steps:

Prepare the data

For each training bag, follow the following steps:

  1. Run the script from the Udacity provided code
  2. Follow the ROS instructions here to create a bag containing Velodyne points
  3. Run the script with the pointcloud bag generated above and the same output directory used for previously. Note this will also extract Radar points if they are included in the bag.

Training the model

To train the model, run the following commands:



The following steps will set up the ROS environment to perform predictions on incoming sensor messages:

  1. Run roscore
  2. In a seperate terminal, run rosrun nodelet nodelet standalone velodyne_pointcloud/CloudNodelet to convert Velodyne scans messages into PointCloud2 messages
  3. In a seperate window, run the tracklet generator todo...
  4. In a seperate terminal, run predictortodo...
  5. Play the test bag, or data from your car's sensors if you have one!!

Improvements / Next steps

  1. Rewrite the code in C
  2. Write up a report on my findings