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Android Soundboard With Alex Jones Sounds

This can be used as a template.

To get it working you need to add your sounds to the res/raw folder. The buttons will be generated automatically. Titles that appear on the buttons are taken from the file name. Thus, sound clips should be named the way you want it to be displayed. However, file names should not contain apostrophes, commas, etc. These can be added in later by using the dictionary in

For example a sound clip could be named: "im-a-sound-clip.mp3"

And using this entry in the dictionary:

// Configure the text you want replaced in the titles
private static Map<String, String> replacementMap = new HashMap<String, String>() {{
  put("im", "i'm");
  // etc

The button in the app will display "I'M A SOUND CLIP".

Improvements or new sounds welcome!