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Grape Boilerplate

Welcome to my custom grape boilerplate, feel free to use it to start developing a very basic ruby-base api using grape and jwt.


  • Ruby 2.7.1 with bundler


You can have Ruby installed at system-level, or you can use a version manager like rbenv or rvm and get the required version installed.

# At project's root after clone
$ rbenv use
$ gem install bundle
$ bundle install


You will find a settings sample file inside config/settings.yml.sample, just copy and remove the .sample part and replace the values inside to get your app with the necessary configurations ready.

$ cp config/settings.sample.yml config/settings.yml

ENV vars

Configuration can be defined using environment variables, these will be available through the Settings object but need to be defined using the following syntax:


Using double "_" between namespaces and with the SETTINGS prefix, these have precedence over the values defined inside config/settings.yml, this a way to configure settings when deployed to Heroku.


You must generate a private and public key to sign your JWT Tokens in case you're going to use this as an authentication method, place the keys paths inside the settings file.

For ENV based environments you can set an ENV variable to set keys values to sign Tokens, thought this is not recommended it can help to use keys in enviroments like Heroku where you can't access the key file itself.

SETTINGS__JWT__PRIVATE_KEY="your private key here"
SETTINGS__JWT__PUBLIC_KEY="your public key here"


For convenience use the guard gem to ease your development workflow:

$ bundle exec guard

Otherwise the bundle exec rackup command should just work fine, reloading is needed after any changes to code.

Using Docker

You can run this app inside a standalone docker container:

$ docker build -t grape-boilerplate .
$ docker run -p 3000:3000 grape-boilerplate

Visit http://localhost:3000/ and you will see a response from the app.

You can use docker-compose to run the app as well:

$ docker-compose up


Use rake to perform either linting and testing:

$ bundle exec rake test # testing only
$ bundle exec rake # will perform linting and testing

API and routes

All the APIs inside this app are intended to be versioned, you can find a v1 example already up, tested and ready to be used, to see all the mounted APIs use the rake task

$ bundle exec rake routes

      GET        /api/:version/hello
      POST       /api/login
      *          /*path


Project's documentation is generated using swagger, a GET to /swagger_doc should display a valid JSON to use inside Swagger UI


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