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This is a blog type app that I created following the Youtube turorial on Traversy Media channel : here. I am using Ruby on Rails, with database, basic authentification and a full CRUD type blog with comments (one to many relationship type from blog post to comments).

Ruby version :

Ruby 2.5.3p105 , Rails 5.2.1.
Gem 2.7.6 and Bundler version 1.16.6.


To generate a Rails App : rails new nameOfYourApp

This will create many files and folder that will be used on our Rails App. Ruby on Rails is based on a MVC (model view controller) design pattern, and these folders will be found in the building block of the app.

Model Deals with the database/API. It is only concerned with the data.

View What the User will see in the Browser. In Rails they are fairly similar to the components we use on React.js.

Controller Responisible for the url, and what is loaded on the page. The controllers are directing the models and views. They contain the functions. In Rails a function is declared as

def myFunction
  @myvariable = your code

The file structure is as : myFile.html.erb (erb stands for embeded ruby)

To start using Ruby on the Winsdows OS, we need to download Ruby and the Rails Installer. I faced an issue with the compatibility between Windows and Sqlite3 which is the database format used by Rails by default. The tutoriel I was following also mentionned a possible Ruby/Windows clash with the Gemfile source of (which then should be solved via only keeping

Go to your App folder :

  cd nameOfYourApp

Set up your App - install the dependencies :

  bundle install

Start your Rails dev server :

  rails server (rails is very slack, it will also accept 'rails s')

Make a new controller :

  rails g controller Posts

This will create all the necessary files to run on the Rails App. A controller is by standarts a plurial. A model will be a singular.

Show me my App routes :

  rake routes

Rails will automatically generate the routes needed for our app.

Database creation

Create your model :

  rails g model Post title:string body:text

This create also the migration file. It does not run it itself.

Database initialization

Run the migration to create the table :

  rake db:migrate
  • The Model :
    A many to many model will pose an issue with the Delete part as it is linked to another table. It will look as such, if we want to delete the whole post, and the comments which are associated to it.
class Post < ApplicationRecord
    has_many :comments, dependent: :destroy
  • To link tables :
    To start a relationship between table we use 'belongs_to'.
class Comment < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :post


A blog type app made using Ruby on Rails






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