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🥭 Ready to use Express setup

What's this?

Mango is a ready to use Express API setup that helps you skip the boring stuff when creating APIs.

What's in the box?

  • Simple Routing with Express with separate, readable controllers and routing files
  • Request logging with Morgan
  • Mongo connection and schemas with Mongoose
  • Some helpful modules e.g. body-parser
  • Simple startup script that logs info from package.json
  • ESLint + Prettier support.
  • Dockerfile and Docker-compose setup to get everything running instantly.


  1. Fork, download or clone this repository
  2. Run yarn to install all dependencies
  3. Run docker-compose build and docker-compose up

Environment Variables

There are some environment variables. When not provided default values are used from config/config.json.

  • MONGO (config: mongodb://localhost/mango)
  • PORT (config: 8080)