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manuels edited this page Mar 19, 2011 · 5 revisions


This is a Qt QML plugin for MongoDB access. QML is a web-styled programming and interface design language and MongoDB is a javascript-styled NoSQL database.

Development status

This is currently a pre-alpha version. The API will probably change within the next commits and some features probably do not work (at all/correctly). Anyway, if you want to play around with this plugin, please do so. And if you have any API improvement ideas, find bugs or even fix bugs, it would be great if you tell me!


Take a look at the demo.qml file to get an idea how this works (see here). But keep in mind, that you have to adjust the path in the file qmldir (to point to the directory where the file is [at least for Linux]).


  • check mapReduce and make its result accessible
  • post your ideas here (yes, I mean YOU!)
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