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Manorrock Persian


This project delivers you with a Maven repository server.

Deploy the WAR file

Deploy the WAR file to a Jakarta Web Profile 10 compatible runtime of your choice.

Running using Piranha Web Profile

The command line below shows you how you can start running Manorrock Persian on Piranha Web Profile:

  java -jar piranha-dist-webprofile.jar --war-file persian.war --context-path ROOT

Running using the container image from DockerHub

In an empty directory of your choice use the following command line to start Manorrock Persian:

  docker run --rm -d -it -p 8080:8080 -v $PWD:/mnt manorrock/persian

Verify the server is up and running

Note the instruction below assume you have deployed the WAR file using the root context.

If you deployed it with another context root, please adjust the url below

Create a settings.xml file with the content from the snippet below, or rename the settings.xml.template in the root directory of this project to settings.xml and make adjustments if necessary:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


Now pick any Maven project and execute the command below to upload the artifacts:

mvn deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=default::default::http://localhost:8080/repositories/myrepo

You should see output similar to what you see below:

Uploaded to default: http://localhost:8080/repositories/myrepo/com/manorrock/persian/persian/maven-metadata.xml
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Congratulations you are now running Manorrock Persian!

More information about deploying to a Maven repository

See Deploy at the Maven: The Complete Reference. Or have a look at the deploy:deploy goal of the Maven Deploy plugin.

Can I use a different directory for the data?

Yes, you can. Set the PERSIAN_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY environment variable to a directory of your choice and Manorrock Persian will store the data there.

How do I contribute?

See Contributing

Our code of Conduct

See Code of Conduct

Important notice

Note if you file issues or answer questions on the issue tracker and/or issue pull requests you agree that those contributions will be owned by and that can use those contributions in any manner so desires.