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htcondor for coffea-casa

Deploy a condor cluster in kubernetes for coffea-casa


helm based installation

Helm must be installed to use the charts. Please refer to Helm's documentation to get started.

Once Helm is set up properly, add the repo as follows:

helm repo add htcondor

You can then run helm search repo htcondor to see the charts.

A typical installation would be

helm install htcondor -n htcondor htcondor/htcondor

manifest based installation

step 1 - Customizing

edit kustomization.yaml and patch.yaml to customize the condor resources, htcondor versions etc

step 2 - Deploy

kubectl apply -k <kustomization directory>/

step 3 - configure coffea-casa to use the condor cluster

    CONDOR_HOST = condor.condor.svc.cluster.local
    SCHEDD_HOST = submit.condorsub.condor.svc.cluster.local


    condor_user = 'submituser@submit.condorsub.condor.svc.cluster.local'
    issuer = socket.gethostbyname('condor.condor.svc.cluster.local')