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πŸ† Eduard Malokhvii's LeetCode problems' solutions.


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πŸ† LeetCode

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πŸ—ƒοΈ Problems & Solutions

(Notes: "πŸ’š" means easy difficulty, "πŸ’›" means medium difficulty, "❀️" means hard difficulty.)

# Title Solution πŸ’ͺ
1 Two Sum Python πŸ’š
7 Reverse Integer Python πŸ’›
9 Palindrome Number Python πŸ’š
12 Integer to Roman Python πŸ’›
13 Roman to Integer Python πŸ’š
14 Longest Common Prefix Python πŸ’š
20 Valid Parentheses Python πŸ’š
26 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array Python πŸ’š
27 Remove Element Python πŸ’š
28 Implement strStr() Python πŸ’š
36 Valid Sudoku Python πŸ’›
37 Sudoku Solver Python ❀️
48 Rotate Image Python πŸ’›
58 Length of Last Word Python πŸ’š
66 Plus One Python πŸ’š
67 Add Binary Python πŸ’š
118 Pascal's Triangle Python πŸ’š
119 Pascal's Triangle II Python πŸ’š
125 Valid Palindrome Python πŸ’š
136 Single Number Python πŸ’š
168 Excel Sheet Column Title Python πŸ’š
169 Majority Element Python πŸ’š
171 Excel Sheet Column Number Python πŸ’š
189 Rotate Array Python πŸ’›
190 Reverse Bits Python πŸ’š
191 Number of 1 Bits Python πŸ’š
198 House Robber Python πŸ’›
202 Happy Number Python πŸ’š
204 Count Primes Python πŸ’›
205 Isomorphic Strings Python πŸ’š
215 Kth Largest Element in an Array Python πŸ’›
217 Contains Duplicate Python πŸ’š
219 Contains Duplicate II Python πŸ’š
229 Majority Element II Python πŸ’›
231 Power of Two Python πŸ’š
242 Valid Anagram Python πŸ’š
268 Missing Number Python πŸ’š
273 Integer to English Words Python ❀️
278 First Bad Version Python πŸ’š
283 Move Zeroes Python πŸ’š
326 Power of Three Python πŸ’š
338 Counting Bits Python πŸ’š
342 Power of Four Python πŸ’š
344 Reverse String Python πŸ’š
345 Reverse Vowels of a String Python πŸ’š
349 Intersection of Two Arrays Python πŸ’š
350 Intersection of Two Arrays II Python πŸ’š
387 First Unique Character in a String Python πŸ’š
412 Fizz Buzz Python πŸ’š
414 Third Maximum Number Python πŸ’š
461 Hamming Distance Python πŸ’š
509 Fibonacci Number Python πŸ’š
1078 Occurrences After Bigram Python πŸ’š
1128 Number of Equivalent Domino Pairs Python πŸ’š
1195 Fizz Buzz Multithreaded Python πŸ’›
1486 XOR Operation in an Array Python πŸ’š
2194 Cells in a Range on an Excel Sheet Python πŸ’š
2404 Most Frequent Even Element Python πŸ’š

πŸ› οΈ Tech Stack

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⚠️ License

leetcode is licenced under the MIT License. See the LICENSE for more information.