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This module adds extra development tools to Decidim UI during development in order to help developers avoid basic mistakes.

Currently this provides only an HTML validator.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

group :development
  # ...

  # Use the devtools during development but disable it after the validation
  # process is completed in order to keep the development environment faster and
  # in order to prevent excess load for the external validation service.
  gem "decidim-devtools", github: "mainio/decidim-module-devtools", branch: "main" # Comment out this line after the validation process is completed.


It is important to add this only to the development group which should not be installed on live instances, such as production, staging, testing, etc. Including the module in the development group ensures it is only loaded while developing the application.

It is also suggested to comment out the line while not doing validation work In order to make the development environment faster and prevent excess load for the external validation service.

And then execute:

$ bundle


Install and go.

Once this module is installed, you will see a badge at the bottom right corner of the page when running in the development mode. The badge indicates whether the HTML of the page is valid or not.

Note that this tool is built to help the HTML validation process but not to do all the work in that regard. Please note the following:

  1. It is still important to validate the actual server responses separately because most browsers try to automatically correct the developer's mistakes e.g. regarding missing closing tags.
  2. The tool only reports error type issues which means that some other suggestions and warnings may be unnoticed without external validation.

These kinds of issues may be left unnoticed without validating the actual source code returned by the server. This tool validates the DOM as it is presented by the JavaScript APIs, i.e. after the DOM has been parsed in the front-end.

When using the tool, also note the following:

  • This tool is Rails and Decidim specific and it will automatically filter out some HTML validation errors that the normal validation process would produce for Rails/Decidim applications. The goal of the tool is only meant to include errors that can be fixed in the context of Rails and Decidim.
  • The validation process has a slight delay after the page has loaded in order to give time for the other JavaScript to process the page and make their changes to the DOM (e.g. the UI framework).

Once you are done validating your application, it is suggested to disable this tool in order to make the development environment work quicker and also not to cause any unnecessary excess load on the external W3C validator.


See Decidim.


To start contributing to this project, first:

  • Install the basic dependencies (such as Ruby and PostgreSQL)
  • Clone this repository

Decidim's main repository also provides a Docker configuration file if you prefer to use Docker instead of installing the dependencies locally on your machine.

You can create the development app by running the following commands after cloning this project:

$ bundle
$ DATABASE_USERNAME=<username> DATABASE_PASSWORD=<password> bundle exec rake development_app

Note that the database user has to have rights to create and drop a database in order to create the dummy test app database.

Then to test how the module works in Decidim, start the development server:

$ cd development_app
$ DATABASE_USERNAME=<username> DATABASE_PASSWORD=<password> bundle exec rails s

In case you are using rbenv and have the rbenv-vars plugin installed for it, you can add the environment variables to the root directory of the project in a file named .rbenv-vars. If these are defined for the environment, you can omit defining these in the commands shown above.

Vendorized assets

This module ships with some vendorized assets in order to apply some workarounds to make them work in the browser context. These vendorized assets are stored to app/packs/src/vendor and they can be updated by running the following commands that will update the vendorized builds:

$ npm update
$ npm run vendorize

Code Styling

Please follow the code styling defined by the different linters that ensure we are all talking with the same language collaborating on the same project. This project is set to follow the same rules that Decidim itself follows.

Rubocop linter is used for the Ruby language.

You can run the code styling checks by running the following commands from the console:

$ bundle exec rubocop

To ease up following the style guide, you should install the plugin to your favorite editor, such as:


To run the tests run the following in the gem development path:

$ bundle
$ DATABASE_USERNAME=<username> DATABASE_PASSWORD=<password> bundle exec rake test_app
$ DATABASE_USERNAME=<username> DATABASE_PASSWORD=<password> bundle exec rspec

Note that the database user has to have rights to create and drop a database in order to create the dummy test app database.

In case you are using rbenv and have the rbenv-vars plugin installed for it, you can add these environment variables to the root directory of the project in a file named .rbenv-vars. In this case, you can omit defining these in the commands shown above.

Test code coverage

If you want to generate the code coverage report for the tests, you can use the SIMPLECOV=1 environment variable in the rspec command as follows:

$ SIMPLECOV=1 bundle exec rspec

This will generate a folder named coverage in the project root which contains the code coverage report.


If you would like to see this module in your own language, you can help with its translation at Crowdin:




Integrated development tools for Decidim.







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