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FAQ Contributing, Helping, Developing

Bjarni Rúnar Einarsson edited this page Feb 15, 2019 · 5 revisions

I'm a user, how can I help - or get help?

Our community discourse, has a support category. Please feel free to ask questions there or volunteer your time to help others.

You can also use the forum to post tips and tricks, success stories, or discuss potential new features.

I am a developer, how can I help?

Take a look at our Github page, we have a very long list of open issues.

I am not a techie, how can I help?

You can spread the word about the awesomeness of Mailpile!

You can give us lots of money! Or just a little bit, it all helps.

When we release new versions of the software (there have been a few Alpha and Beta releases already), it is useful for us to get feedback on what works well and what does not. However, note that at the moment we have literally hundreds of outstanding issues and are a bit swamped. As we make progress and fix the obvious things, getting reports about edge cases or things we haven't yet encountered will become more and more important.

Do you accept Bitcoin?

Yes. If you don't want to be anonymous you'll have to get in touch to let us know who to thank!

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