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FAQ Branding & Design

Bjarni R. Einarsson edited this page May 6, 2015 · 5 revisions

Does Mailpile allow me to customize my install with a company logo, colors, font?

The code is open, so if your people know how, then this can be done. Mailpile is Open Source, so the license explicitly permits such modifications.

We are also working on native support for themes and skins, but those features will not be ready until well after the 1.0 has launched.

You used bad words in your video and I didn't like it.

We apologize you took offence to some of our branding and creative choices, we were just trying to have fun.

I don't like your design, logo, font, layout, haircut.

That is very sad, taste is subjective. :(

I really liked your design, logo, font, layout, haircut.

Cheers, so do we! :)

Why didn't you use a more modern color palate?

We thought more natural tones would humanize the user experience and make complicated things like encryption and e-mail more user friendly.

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