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Automatic Placenta Segmentation in BOLD MRI

A neural network model for automatic segmentation of the placenta embedded in whole-uterus Blood Oxygen Level Dependent (BOLD) MRI. The model was trained on a diverse dataset containing subjects with singleton and twin pregnancies, a broad range of gestational ages, and pregnancy conditions including healthy controls, fetal growth restriction, and high BMI. The model was trained using a boundary-aware reweighting of the cross-entropy loss function to better capture the placental boundary. This repo contains our trained model and scripts for inference, training, and evaluation. The trained model can predict placental segmentations on individual MRI and time series data. Training and evaluation scripts can be used to train a new model from scratch, or one initialized with our trained weights.

This repo is based on the paper "Shape-aware Segmentation of the Placenta in BOLD Fetal MRI Time Series" by S. Mazdak Abulnaga, Neel Dey, Sean I. Young, Katherine Hobgood, Eileen Pan, Clinton J. Wang, P. Ellen Grant, Esra Abaci Turk, Polina Golland, MELBA 2023. The open access paper can be found on arXiv, eprint arXiv:2312.05148.

Boundary loss illustration and sample results on 4 subjects


If you find our paper or code useful, please consider citing our paper:

    title = "Shape-aware Segmentation of the Placenta in BOLD Fetal MRI Time Series",
    author = "Abulnaga, S. Mazdak and Dey, Neel and Young, Sean I. and Pan, Eileen and Hobgood, Katherine I. and Wang, Clinton J. and Grant, P. Ellen and Abaci Turk, Esra and Golland, Polina",
    journal = "Machine Learning for Biomedical Imaging",
    volume = "2",
    issue = "PIPPI 2022 special issue",
    year = "2023",
    pages = "527--546",
    issn = "2766-905X",
    doi = ""



All required libraries are supplied in the environment_cpu.yml or environment_gpu.yml files. First install Miniconda and select the version appropriate for your system. After installation, create a conda environment that contains the required packages: conda env create -f environment_gpu.yml. This will create the environment placenta-segmentation-gpu. If you do not have a CUDA capable GPU, then use the environment_cpu.yml file.

Data Organization

The scripts assume the data is organized in a specific way. There is one parent directory with N subdirectories, each containing the images for one subject. Within a subject's directory, the MRI images must be in a subdirectory named image, and the groundtruth segmentation labels in a subdirectory named segmentation:

    ├── Subject_1
        ├── image/
            ├── img_1_name.nii
            ├── img_2_name.nii
        ├── segmentation/
            ├── segmentation_1_name.nii
            ├── segmentation_2_name.nii
    ├── Subject_2
        ├── image/
            ├── img_1_name.nii
        ├── segmentation/
            ├── segmentation_1_name.nii
    ├── ...

Each subject can have a different number of image and label pairs. There is no restriction on the naming of each individual MRI image, and the script can use .nii and .nii.gz extensions.

For evaluating on BOLD time series without ground truth segmentations, you do not need to create the segmentation subdirectory.

The data is padded to be divisible by 16 to pass through the UNet. If your dataset has images with different sizes, you can use the function preprocess.preprocess to make them all the same shape. Otherwise, you can only use a batch size of 1. Images are also preprocessed according to the paper.

⚠️ The script uses numerical ordering of the file names to associate image and segmentation pairs. Ensure the image and segmentation names have the same ordering, or are the same. ⚠️

⚠️ Currently, we can only process 3D nifti files. ⚠️


There are three main scripts:

  • used to train the model
  • used to run inference on the trained model and compute statistics with ground truth segmentations.
  • used to run inference on time series data.

First, activate the conda environment

conda activate placenta-segmentation-cpu or conda activate placenta-segmentation-gpu

Time Series Segmentation Prediction

To run inference on BOLD MRI time series, run:

python --data_dir 'PATH_TO_DATA' --save_dir 'PATH_TO_OUTPUT'

You specify PATH_TO_DATA as the location where your data is stored, and PATH_TO_OUTPUT to be where you want the output predicted segmentations to be saved to. Note that you do not need ground truth segmentations


The script is used to train a model from scratch, or from one initialized with our model's weights. The script will create a dataset split into train, validation, and test.

Data splits:

The script will create train, validation, and test set splits. The script assumes that each folder within the data directory is a separate subject, and will randomly split 65%, 15%, and 20% of the folders into train, validation, and test, respectively. Ideally, the user will create their own dataset folds, taking into account subject demographic information including gestational age, number of fetuses, and pregnancy conditions. The script will save these folds into model-folds.npy.

Code parameters and flags

  • --data_path: full path where the data is located
  • --save_path: full path where to save the trained model and output files
  • --epochs: number of epochs to run for (default: 4000)
  • --lr: learning rate (default: 1e-3)
  • --load_model: flag to initialize using our trained model
  • --transform: string of comma separated values indicating what data augmentations to run. For example, --transform affine,flip,intensity,noise
  • --use_weighted_bce: flag to use a multiplicative weight on the positive examples in the loss function.
  • --batch_size: batch size to use
  • --boundary_kernel: average pooling kernel size used in estimating the placenta boundary
  • --inner_boundary_weight: multiplicative weight for the voxels inside the placenta boundary (Eq. 1 in paper)
  • --outer_boundary_weight: multiplicative weight for the voxels outside the placenta boundary (Eq. 1 in paper)
  • --randomize_image_dataloader: flag to randomly subsample one of N_l images per subject during training. Use if dataset contains more than one labeled example per subject.
  • --aug_severity: augmentation severity
  • --use_Dice_loss: flag to use additive Dice loss. See here for details.
  • --dice_loss_weight: multiplicative scaling parameter for the Dice loss
  • --use_Focal_loss: flag to use Focal loss instead of Cross Entropy. See here for details.
  • --focal_loss_weight: multicative scaling parameter for the Focal loss
  • --focal_loss_gamma: $\gamma$ exponential parameter in Focal loss
  • --focal_loss_alpha: $\alpha$ parameter weighting the classes in Focal loss


To train as in the paper

python --data_path 'PATH_TO_DATA' --save_path 'PATH_TO_OUTPUT' --epochs 4000 --lr 1e-4 --transform 'affine,flip,intensity,noise,gamma,elastic' --use_weighted_bce --batch_size 4 --boundary_kernel 11 --inner_boundary_weight 1 --outer_boundary_weight 40 --randomize_image_dataloader --aug_severity 1

Evaluating the Trained Model

The script is used to evaluate model performance by computing the Dice score, the Hausdorff distance (HD), HD95, and the mean BOLD difference between predicted segmentations and ground truth. The script requires ground truth segmentation labels for each subject, and can be used on any set of model weights. This script can be run post-training to compute stats for the train, validation, and test sets, or to compute stats on your entire dataset using our trained model.

To run after training a new model,

python --data_path 'PATH_TO_DATA' --save_path 'PATH_TO_OUTPUT' --eval_existing_folds --model_name 'model_best'

To run on our trained model and evaluate on all data in your dataset,

python --data_path 'PATH_TO_DATA --save_path 'PATH_TO_OUTPUT' --model_name 'model_BWXE'


Please contact Mazdak Abulnaga,, or raise an issue in this repo.


Source code and model for "Shape-aware Segmentation of the Placenta in BOLD Fetal MRI Time Series", MELBA 2023 paper.







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