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The Hugo theme for my personal site at

Index page About page

Building the Theme

Due to the odd requirements I have for my personal site, there is a surprisingly flexible build system for what seems to be a very simple website. Regardless, to use this theme, you will need to build the actual theme files that Hugo can grok before the theme can actually be used with Hugo.

yarn # or `npm install`
yarn run build # or `npm run build`

If you're modifying the theme and would like some reload-as-you-dev goodness, just do yarn run dev instead.

Using with Hugo

Add the theme as a git submodule to your Hugo site:

git submodule add themes/lytedev

Then build the theme (see above).

Finally, edit your Hugo config to use the theme:

theme: "lytedev"

Usage and Options

Here are a few theme-specific things you may want to mess with to get it working with your site.

  • Add your logo! The theme will look for a logo.html in your layouts/partials and display it in the theme location, otherwise, the site title will just be displayed.
  • Set a hero image to display on the index page! Just set params.index.image in your Hugo site config. You can also set params.index.imageOverlayColor and params.index.imageOverlayOpacity to "encourage" the image to be darker so your intro text is still highly legible.


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