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πŸ“« Comments

Alexander Bilz edited this page Apr 29, 2023 · 2 revisions

Adding Disqus

No comment section is shown on the single.html unless a Disqus code is specified in the config.toml file.

disqusShortname = "XXX"


No comment section is shown on the single.html unless a repo is specified in the config.toml file. If uncertain how parameter to configure, check out the official documentation.

repo = "githubuser/reponame"
issueTerm = "pathname"
theme= "preferred-color-scheme"
# label =

Two notes on the security of

  • If you are using a strict CSP, you'll have to add the domain to it.
  • The script currently has no built-in integrity check due to limitations of Utterances.

Adding Commento

You can use Commento as an alternative to Disqus. All you need to do is to configure a CommentoURL:

CommentoURL = ""

Adding Gitalk

No comment section is shown on the single.html unless a repo is specified in the config.toml file. If uncertain how parameter to configure, check out the official documentation.

clientID = "GitHub Application Client ID"
clientSecret = "GitHub Application Client Secret"
repo = "Repository name to store issues"
owner = "GitHub repo owner"
admin = "GitHub repo owner and collaborators, only these guys can initialize gitHub issues"

Adding Giscus

You can use Giscus as an alternative to Disqus. You can set it up as follows:

repo = "githubuser/reponame"
repoID = "Github Repo ID"
category = "Discussions Category"
categoryID = "Discussions Category ID"
# <Optional Params>
# mapping = "pathname"
# strict = "0"
# reactionsEnabled = "1"
# emitMetadata = "0"
# inputPosition = "bottom"
# lang = "en"
# loading = "lazy"

Disabling Comments Per Page

Comments can be disabled per page by setting disableComments: true on the pages Front Matter