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Conda Env Export



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Export conda env dependencies and pip requirements to ONE yml file.


  • Easy to use
  • Flexible options to export
  • Support Windows, Linux, and Mac
  • Remove duplicated packages automatically


To use Conda Env Export in a project:

import conda_env_export

To use Conda Env Export in a terminal:

$ conda-env-export --help
Usage: conda-env-export [OPTIONS]

  -n, --name TEXT           Name of environment  [default: `{activated}`]
  --conda-all               Output all conda deps  [default: False]
  --pip-all                 Output all pip deps  [default: False]
  --separate                Output to separate files  [default: False]
  --reserve-duplicates      Reserve duplicates  [default: False]
  --include TEXT            Force to include deps (ignore case)
  --exclude TEXT            Force to exclude deps (ignore case)
  --extra-pip-requirements  Output an extra `requirements.txt`  [default: False]
  --no-prefix               Remove `prefix` in target yml file  [default: False]
  --to-folder DIRECTORY     Where to output the file(s)  [default: ./]
  --to-file FILE            Filename of the output yml file  [default: `{activated}`]
  --help                    Show this message and exit.


Export current activated env, just run:

$ conda-env-export


Export a named env, e.g. py37, run:

$ conda-env-export -n py37


Export current activated env to separate files (activated.yml and requirements.txt), just run:

$ conda-env-export --separate

NOTE: --separate is different from --extra-pip-requirements in the output yml file, where the yml from --separate doesn't explicitly list pip dependencies. It will use -r requirements.txt instead.


Export current activated env and output an EXTRA pip requirements file, just run:

$ conda-env-export --extra-pip-requirements

WHY: Sometimes it'll fail to install some pip deps when executing conda env create -f env.yml, so it's much more convenient to install pip deps via pip install -r requirements.txt rather than conda env update -f env.yml --prune.

Export a named env and ensure that output MUST include pip and PyYAML, run:

$ conda-env-export -n py37 --include pip --include pyyaml

Export a named env and ensure that output MUST exclude pip and PyYAML, run:

$ conda-env-export -n py37 --exclude pip --exclude pyyaml

Export with all conda deps and all pip deps of py37

$ conda-env-export -n py37 --conda-all --pip-all

Export with all conda deps and all pip deps of py37, and DO NOT remove duplicates

$ conda-env-export -n py37 --conda-all --pip-all --reserve-duplicates

Note: The operation of remove duplicates refers to remove those deps in pip, which are already in conda deps.


This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.


Export conda env dependencies and pip requirements to ONE yml file.








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