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afiaka87 edited this page Apr 20, 2021 · 7 revisions

Deepspeed Sparse Attention

You can also train with Microsoft Deepspeed's Sparse Attention, with any combination of dense and sparse attention that you'd like. However, you will have to endure the installation process.

If everything installed correctly you now have access to a few new features:

Sparse Attention (CUDA 10.1 Only)

dalle = DALLE(
    dim = 512,
    depth = 64,
    heads = 8,
    attn_types = ('full', 'sparse')  # interleave sparse and dense attention for 64 layers

Distributed Training

Train on multiple GPUS at once

You should now run all training sessions with deepspeed instead of python if you wish to make use of its distributed features. deepspeed <...> --distributed_backend deepspeed

Train with floating point 16:

deepspeed <...> --distributed_backend deepspeed --fp16

Train with only 1 GPU:

deepspeed --num_gpus 1 <...> --distributed_backend deepspeed

Modifying DeepSpeed behavior:

Change the deepspeed_config dictionary in or to adjust DeepSpeed based on your setup. If you are interested in ZeRO-enabled training, see below:


To use floating-point-16, simply pass --fp16 to (not available for

deepspeed --image_text_folder=/path/to/your/dataset --distributed_backend --deepspeed --fp16

Train with ZeRO

ZeRO stages 1-3 have been confirmed to work (for us) when using V100, A100, RTX3090. ZeRO currently only works with half-precision training, so you have to pass the --fp16 flag when activating it:

Stage 1

deepspeed_config = {
    "zero_optimization": {
        "stage": 1,
    'train_batch_size': BATCH_SIZE,
    'gradient_clipping': GRAD_CLIP_NORM,
    'fp16': {
        'enabled': args.fp16,

Stage 2

Stage 2 will try to use gradient_accumulate in order to fill up the VRAM of each GPU more effectively. You may also optionally enable cpu_offload at this point in order to use the CPU-based Adam which deepspeed provides.

deepspeed_config = {
    "zero_optimization": {
        "stage": 2,
        "cpu_offload": True,

Stage 3

deepspeed_config = {
    "zero_optimization": {
        "stage": 3,
    'fp16': {
        'enabled': args.fp16,
        'loss_scale': 0,
        'initial_scale_power': 15,

Stage 3 (Offload parameters and optimizer)

Fair warning: This stuff is experimental. If you have issues let us know in the Issues section.

deepspeed_config = {
    "zero_optimization": {
        "stage": 3,
    # Offload the model parameters If you have an nvme drive - you should use the nvme option. 
    # Otherwise, use 'cpu' and remove the `nvme_path` line
    "offload_param": {
        "device": "nvme",
        "nvme_path": "/home/samsepiol/.cache/DeepSpeed/deepspeed_param",
        "buffer_count": 5,
        "buffer_size": 1e8,
        "max_in_cpu": 1e9
    # Offload the optimizer of choice. If you have an nvme drive - you should use the nvme option. 
    # Otherwise, use 'cpu' and remove the `nvme_path` line
    "offload_optimizer": {
        "device": "nvme", # options are 'none', 'cpu', 'nvme'
        "nvme_path": "/home/samsepiol/.cache/DeepSpeed/deepspeed_optim",
        "buffer_count": 4,
        "pin_memory": False,
        "fast_init": False
    "activation_checkpointing": {
        "partition_activations": True,
        "cpu_checkpointing": True,
        "contiguous_memory_optimization": True,
        "number_checkpoints": None,
        "synchronize_checkpoint_boundary": True,
        "profile": False
    # Override pytorch's Adam optim with `FusedAdam` (just called Adam here). Can 
    "optimizer": {
        "type": "Adam",  # You can also use AdamW here
        "params": {
            "lr": LEARNING_RATE,
    'train_batch_size': BATCH_SIZE,
    'gradient_clipping': GRAD_CLIP_NORM,
    'fp16': {
        'enabled': args.fp16,