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LogUI Client 0.5.3a

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@maxwelld90 maxwelld90 released this 19 Apr 16:31
· 13 commits to master since this release

This version of the client fixes a few minor issues that were caught by Wessel Turk. With more testing, we will be able to verify if they have been patched.

  • First, the pageResize browserEvent property is now interpreted as a correct browser event. Before, this was left out of the configuration object validation file by mistake.
  • Event bubbling has been tricky to get right. In version 0.5.2a, we released an update that made use of stopPropogation() to prevent other events being fired up the DOM tree. Unfortunately, the side-effect was that it also cut out the firing of other events appended to the same target element, thus violating one of the main design goals of LogUI -- not to interfere with other JavaScript code. We've changed this to make use of the eventPhase property, which can work out whether or not a LogUI event should be recorded or ignored (if it has been fired further up the DOM tree), and safely ignores other JavaScript event listeners bound by third party code.