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Archetype (WordPress Theme)

Archetype WordPress Theme Forked from the now retired Standard Theme, Archetype serves as a SEO-friendly, fast-loading, Bootstrap-powered foundation for your new theme.


  1. Bootstrap 3.3.4
  2. Font Awesome 4.3.0


I've been using Standard Theme as a base for a while now. Knowing that there won't be any updates, I forked it into what I wanted it to be: a bare-bones starting point for Bootstrap projects. Yes, there are other options out there, but they tend to come with too many "enhancements" for my taste. After using this theme successfully on several projects, I decided to release it.

I usually pair it with a litany of other plugins to add functionality as needed. One thing I love using with more savvy clients are these Bootstrap shortcodes, which I've put into a plugin that I'm releasing now as well.

I see Archetype helping folks in one or both of two ways: being a base for your child theme, or being a fork-able repo for your theme. While this isn't a difficult theme to implement, it is certainly not plug-and-play.


I've put a minimal amount of hooks into the theme for your convenience (and my own). In case you're unfamiliar, you can use syntax like this code block to pass your own string to the hooks below.

function trogdor_custom_nav_logo() {
	return '<img src="' . get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/assets/css/img/favicon.png" alt="' . get_bloginfo('name') . '" title="' . get_bloginfo('name') . '" height="40" />';

add_filter( 'archetype_brand', 'trogdor_custom_nav_logo' );

archetype_shortcut_icon (shortcut icon)

(string) Pass the URL of your favicon

archetype_touch_icon (apple-touch-icon-precomposed)

(string) Pass the URL of your 144x144 icon


(string) Pass whatever you want to go in the navbar-brand area; usually text or an <img>


(string) Pass a custom URL for the form action; used in searchform.php (therefore, when you call get_search_form())



By default, Archetype pulls Bootstrap and Font Awesome files from Bootstrap CDN. To use local resources, you'll use Bower. Once it's installed (npm install -g bower), run bower install in Archetype's root directory to automatically install the dependencies. Then, place define( 'ARCHETYPE_ENQUEUE', 'bower' ); in your wp-config.php file to enqueue those files instead.

When you use the Bower option, Grunt lints and compiles LESS and JS files on your behalf. Once you've got the necessary items installed, you can start by editing assets/dev/js/main.js and assets/dev/less/main.less, then run grunt in the child theme's directory. Run grunt watch to automatically run everything when you save one of the watched files.

Pro Tip

You're probably building a WordPress theme and not an application. As such, you probably don't need 100% of what Bootstrap is offering. Cut down on your file sizes by using the ARCHETYPE_ENQUEUE functionality and editing the development files to suit your project.

  1. In Gruntfile.js, under uglify->build->src, delete bower_components/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.js as the source and invidually add the files in bower_components/bootstrap/js that you need.
  2. In main.less, delete @import "../../../bower_components/bootstrap/less/bootstrap.less"; and add the files in bower_components/bootstrap/less that you need. You can copy the contents of bower_components/bootstrap/less/bootstrap.less and add them to the top of your main.less file, removing the imported files you no longer need.


Please feel free to file an issue here if you find a bug, and I'll do my best to fix it if it betters the theme for everyone. I'll gladly review pull requests for new features, and will consider merging it—again if it betters the theme for everyone.

For the most part, this will be unsupported. I'll do what I can, but don't expect much.


Forked from the now retired Standard Theme, Archetype serves as a SEO-friendly, fast-loading, Bootstrap-powered foundation for your new theme.







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