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This app is used to view fews-jdbc data sources. The interface looks the same as fews-unblobbed. Multiple fews-jdbc sources can be configured.



  • Jdbc2Ei. The app uses Jdbc2Ei to connect to a jdbc server.

Development installation

The first time, you'll have to run the "bootstrap" script to set up setuptools and buildout:

$> python

And then run buildout to set everything up:

$> bin/buildout

(On windows it is called bin\buildout.exe).

You'll have to re-run buildout when you or someone else made a change in or buildout.cfg.

The current package is installed as a "development package", so changes in .py files are automatically available (just like with python develop).

If you want to use trunk checkouts of other packages (instead of released versions), add them as an "svn external" in the local_checkouts/ directory and add them to the develop = list in buildout.cfg.

Tests can always be run with bin/test or bin\test.exe.

Using the djangoapp in a site

  • Add lizard_fewsjdbc to your buildout.cfg. You may need lizard-fewsjdbc's sysegg requirements -PIL, matplotlib, pyproj and psycopg2 installed on your system.
  • Add lizard_fewsjdbc and lizard_map to the INSTALLED_APPS in your settings.
  • Optionally set MAP_SETTINGS, DEFAULT_START_DAYS and DEFAULT_END_DAYS in your settings. See the lizard_map testsettings for examples.

Make the database tables:

$> bin/django syncdb

Load some config (optional):

$> bin/django loaddata lizard_fewsjdbc

Add some references in your, i.e. (r'^', include('lizard_fewsjdbc.urls')).

Prefill cache

Add a crontab job to your deploy.cfg to run "bin/django fews_jdbc_cache" every 8 hours. This way visitors of the page will always get cached contents, which is a huge user experience boost.


recipe = z3c.recipe.usercrontab
times = * */8 * * *
command = ${buildout:bin-directory}/django fews_jdbc_cache