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This project has been deprecated and will no longer be supported. As of June 2022 when LiveSwitch 1.16.0 was released, the LiveSwitch Server & Cloud services have a recording muxing solution built-in. Below are some helpful documents covering the new recording services.

The LiveSwitch Mux CLI combines your individual LiveSwitch Media Server recordings together into single files - one per session.

Each time the tool is run, it scans your recordings directory and looks for completed sessions. A completed session is defined as a collection of completed recordings that overlap. If an overlapping recording is still active, that session is not considered complete.

Sessions are scoped to the application ID and channel ID. Recordings with different channel IDs or application IDs are not part of the same session.


Use dotnet publish to create a single, self-contained file for a specific platform/architecture:


dotnet publish src/FM.LiveSwitch.Mux -r win-x64 -c Release /p:PublishSingleFile=true /p:PublishTrimmed=true -o win


dotnet publish src/FM.LiveSwitch.Mux -r osx-x64 -c Release /p:PublishSingleFile=true /p:PublishTrimmed=true -o osx


dotnet publish src/FM.LiveSwitch.Mux -r linux-x64 -c Release /p:PublishSingleFile=true /p:PublishTrimmed=true -o linux

Alternatively, use dotnet build to create a platform-agnostic bundle (the .NET Core runtime must be installed):

dotnet build

Using this approach will generate a library instead of an executable. Use dotnet lsmux.dll instead of lsmux to run it.


Images are also hosted on DockerHub.

docker run --rm frozenmountain/liveswitch-mux [verb] [options]

FFmpeg Version

lsmux has been developed and tested with FFmpeg v4.2.1. It is recommended to use this version when using lsmux.

Environment Variables

Environment variables can be used in place of command-line arguments.

Environment variable names are lsmux_{option}, e.g. lsmux_gateway-url.

Environment variable names are case-insensitive, so lsmux_application-id is equivalent to LSMUX_APPLICATION-ID.

Note that command-line arguments always take precedence over environment variables.


lsmux [options]
  -i, --input-path                      The input path, i.e. the recording path used by the
                                        media server. Defaults to the current directory.

  -o, --output-path                     The output path for muxed sessions. Defaults to the
                                        input path.

  -t, --temp-path                       The path for temporary intermediate files. Defaults to
                                        the input path.

  -s, --strategy                        (Default: AutoDetect) The recording strategy used by the
                                        media server. Valid values: AutoDetect, Hierarchical,

  -l, --layout                          (Default: HGrid) The video layout to use. Valid values:
                                        HStack, VStack, HGrid, VGrid, JS

  -m, --margin                          (Default: 0) The margin, in pixels, to insert between
                                        videos in the layout.

  -w, --width                           (Default: 1280) The pixel width of the output video.

  -h, --height                          (Default: 720) The pixel height of the output video.

  -f, --frame-rate                      (Default: 30) The frames per second of the output video.

  --min-orphan-duration                 (Default: 120) Minimum duration (in minutes) of waiting
                                        for incomplete media files to have file size unchanged
                                        for the media to be considered orphaned.

  --disable-json-integrity-check        (Default: false) Disable JSON integrity checks on the
                                        input path.

  --disable-orphan-session-detection    (Default: false) Disable orphan session detection on the
                                        input path.

  --background-color                    (Default: 000000) The background colour.

  --audio-codec                         (Default: libopus) The output audio codec and options.

  --video-codec                         (Default: libvpx -crf 10 -b:v 2M -auto-alt-ref 0) The
                                        output video codec and options.

  --audio-container                     (Default: mka) The output audio container (file

  --video-container                     (Default: mkv) The output video container (file

  --dynamic                             Dynamically update the video layout as recordings start
                                        and stop.

  --crop                                Crop video in order to use all available layout space.

  --camera-weight                       (Default: 1) How much layout space to use for camera
                                        content relative to other content. Ignored for JS

  --screen-weight                       (Default: 5) How much layout space to use for screen
                                        content relative to other content. Ignored for JS

  --no-audio                            Do not mux audio.

  --no-video                            Do not mux video.

  --move-inputs                         Move input files to the move path.

  --move-path                           The destination path for moved files. Defaults to the
                                        output path.

  --delete-inputs                       Delete input files from the input path.

  --no-prompt                           Do not prompt before deleting.

  --application-id                      The application ID to mux.

  --channel-id                          The channel ID to mux.

  --output-file-name                    (Default:
                                        The output file name template. Uses curly-brace syntax
                                        (e.g. {channelId}). Valid variables: applicationId,
                                        channelId, sessionId, startTimestamp, stopTimestamp

  --js-file                             For JS layout, the JavaScript file path. Defaults to
                                        layout.js in the input path.

  --continue-on-failure                 Continue processing remaining sessions if a session
                                        fails to be processed.

  --trim-first                          Trim audio from the first participant before any other
                                        participants have joined. Requires the --no-video flag.

  --trim-last                           Trim audio from the last participant after all other
                                        participants have left. Requires the --no-video flag.

  --no-filter-files                     Do not use files for the filters. Pass the filters as

  --save-temp-files                     Do not delete the temporary intermediate files.

  --dry-run                             Do a dry-run with no muxing.

  --session-id                          The session ID to mux, obtained from a dry-run.

  --input-filter                        A regular expression used to filter the input file list.

  --input-file-names                    A comma separated list of input file names to target
                                        instead of scanning the directory.

  --input-file-paths                    A comma separated list of input file paths to target
                                        instead of scanning the directory. Overrides
                                        --input-path and --input-file-names.

The input-path to your recordings defaults to the current directory, but can be set to target another directory on disk.

lsmux --input-path /path/to/my/recordings

The output-path can be set as well. If not set, the input-path will be used:

lsmux --input-path /my/input/path --output-path /my/output/path

There are several other options available to control the behaviour and output of the muxer. For example, to create an audio-only mix with no-video for channel-id "bar" in application-id "foo":

lsmux --no-video --application-id foo --channel-id bar

Several layout options are available:

  • hstack produces a single row of videos.
  • vstack produces a single column of videos.
  • hgrid produces a grid that favours width over height when necessary.
  • vgrid produces a grid that favours height over width when necessary.

The width and height can also be set to the desired size, along with the frame-rate in frames per second:

lsmux --layout hgrid --width 1280 --height 720 --frame-rate 60

The margin between videos is configurable, as is the background-color, which can be any color value supported by ffmpeg. You may opt to crop the videos, which will increase the size of each individual recording to use all available layout space and then crop the edges as needed, while still honouring the margin. Layouts can be dynamic as well, adapting throughout the mix to changes in video size and count:

lsmux --margin 5 --background-color blue --crop --dynamic

You can set the audio-codec or video-codec used in the output files. Any of the audio encoders or video encoders supported by ffmpeg are allowed, along with any codec-specific options you want to set:

lsmux --audio-codec aac --video-codec "libx264 -crf 18 -preset medium"

JavaScript Layouts

The js layout can be used to do custom JavaScript-based layout calculations by providing a path to a js-file:

lsmux --layout js --js-file /path/to/my/layout.js

Your file must contain a JavaScript function called layout with the following signature:

 * @param {Input[]} inputs  The layout inputs.
 * @param {Output}  output  The layout output.
 * @return {Rectangle[]}    An array of frames - the origin and size for each input
 *                          to target for rendering in the output layout.
function layout(inputs, output) {
   return frames;

The layout function is responsible for returning an array of frames (origin/size) that the inputs can target for rendering. The frames must fit within the output.size.

For example, to arrange the input videos in a circle:

 * Apply a circular layout.
function layout(inputs, output) {
    var center = {
        x: output.size.width / 2,
        y: output.size.height / 2
    var radius = Math.min(output.size.width, output.size.height) / 4;
    // the top of the circle
    var angle = 1.5 * Math.PI;

    var frames = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
            origin: {
                x: (radius * Math.cos(angle) + center.x) - (radius / 2),
                y: (radius * Math.sin(angle) + center.y) - (radius / 2),
            size: {
                width: radius,
                height: radius
        angle += (2 * Math.PI / inputs.length);
    return frames;

The type definitions are as follows:

interface Input {
  connectionId: string;
  clientId: string;
  deviceId: string;
  userId: string;
  size: Size;
  connectionTag: string;
  audioMuted: boolean;
  audioDisabled: boolean;
  videoMuted: boolean;
  videoDisabled: boolean;

interface Output {
  size: Size;
  margin: number;
  channelId: string;
  applicationId: string;

interface Rectangle {
  origin: Point;
  size: Size;

interface Point {
  x: number;
  y: number;

interface Size {
  width: number;
  height: number;


General log output is written to stderr, while stdout is reserved for a list of JSON metadata files - one for each session, e.g.:


Each JSON metadata file includes details about the clients, connections, and recordings that make up the session, including the input and output files, e.g.:

  "id": "1758af02-c9bc-dc5a-1eef-41c1130a8c41",
  "channelId": "bar",
  "applicationId": "foo",
  "startTimestamp": "2019-12-15T00:50:14.4373839Z",
  "stopTimestamp": "2019-12-15T00:50:27.4008816Z",
  "file": "session_2019-12-15_00-50-14_to_2019-12-15_00-50-27.mkv",
  "audioFile": "session_2019-12-15_00-50-14_to_2019-12-15_00-50-27_audio.mka",
  "videoFile": "session_2019-12-15_00-50-14_to_2019-12-15_00-50-27_video.mkv",
  "clients": [
      "id": "7b21e9ad5ba945f19d9afd8e954feca9",
      "deviceId": "bb1ecb54ff70484590d1dc975e42a1ac",
      "userId": "d6bb4ed0316c4e9cb6bb0767c0317359",
      "startTimestamp": "2019-12-15T00:50:14.4373839Z",
      "stopTimestamp": "2019-12-15T00:50:26.6333831Z",
      "connections": [
          "id": "f05064e61ab84543a5218fd10b3a4256",
          "startTimestamp": "2019-12-15T00:50:14.4373839Z",
          "stopTimestamp": "2019-12-15T00:50:26.6333831Z",
          "recordings": [
              "id": "92b91c41-f460-07a0-0a84-ddc666e61639",
              "audioId": "7a950878-0e12-83cc-179f-67978969046e",
              "videoId": "7f43ebd7-58ce-fc1d-c162-a2586db2d530",
              "startTimestamp": "2019-12-15T00:50:14.4373839Z",
              "stopTimestamp": "2019-12-15T00:50:26.6333831Z",
              "audioStartTimestamp": "2019-12-15T00:50:14.4373839Z",
              "audioStopTimestamp": "2019-12-15T00:50:26.6333831Z",
              "videoStartTimestamp": "2019-12-15T00:50:14.4373839Z",
              "videoStopTimestamp": "2019-12-15T00:50:26.6333831Z",
              "audioFile": "/path/to/my/recordings/f05064e61ab84543a5218fd10b3a4256-0.mka",
              "videoFile": "/path/to/my/recordings/f05064e61ab84543a5218fd10b3a4256-0.mkv",
              "logFile": "/path/to/my/recordings/f05064e61ab84543a5218fd10b3a4256-0.json",
              "videoDelay": 0.0,
              "videoSegments": [
                  "size": {
                    "width": 640,
                    "height": 480
                  "audioMuted": false,
                  "audioDisabled": false,
                  "videoMuted": false,
                  "videoDisabled": false,
                  "startTimestamp": "2019-12-15T00:50:14.4373839Z",
                  "stopTimestamp": "2019-12-15T00:50:26.0603839Z"
      "id": "25a29b1d5d4f41fd96c0d515d7153a21",
      "deviceId": "cbd13f6a4409477ead7885d6907cc391",
      "userId": "283e55b56ece458d81fe91b09afe41b8",
      "startTimestamp": "2019-12-15T00:50:15.4083855Z",
      "stopTimestamp": "2019-12-15T00:50:26.1053812Z",
      "connections": [
          "id": "3d406343a148458bafdd3de873bb5a01",
          "startTimestamp": "2019-12-15T00:50:15.4083855Z",
          "stopTimestamp": "2019-12-15T00:50:26.1053812Z",
          "recordings": [
              "id": "ecdae899-28c1-4210-81e9-9ff34c53f75d",
              "audioId": "5f4d14d4-ef97-4f33-b52b-8d72fd8b9aa3",
              "videoId": "be37fb0d-4a22-4ca2-93ea-c72a66d16b40",
              "startTimestamp": "2019-12-15T00:50:15.4083855Z",
              "stopTimestamp": "2019-12-15T00:50:26.1053812Z",
              "audioStartTimestamp": "2019-12-15T00:50:15.4083855Z",
              "audioStopTimestamp": "2019-12-15T00:50:26.1053812Z",
              "videoStartTimestamp": "2019-12-15T00:50:15.4083855Z",
              "videoStopTimestamp": "2019-12-15T00:50:26.1053812Z",
              "audioFile": "/path/to/my/recordings/3d406343a148458bafdd3de873bb5a01-0.mka",
              "videoFile": "/path/to/my/recordings/3d406343a148458bafdd3de873bb5a01-0.mkv",
              "logFile": "/path/to/my/recordings/3d406343a148458bafdd3de873bb5a01-0.json",
              "videoDelay": 0.0,
              "videoSegments": [
                  "size": {
                    "width": 320,
                    "height": 240
                  "audioMuted": false,
                  "audioDisabled": false,
                  "videoMuted": false,
                  "videoDisabled": false,
                  "startTimestamp": "2019-12-15T00:50:15.4083855Z",
                  "stopTimestamp": "2019-12-15T00:50:19.2643855Z"
                  "size": {
                    "width": 480,
                    "height": 360
                  "audioMuted": false,
                  "audioDisabled": false,
                  "videoMuted": false,
                  "videoDisabled": false,
                  "startTimestamp": "2019-12-15T00:50:19.2973855Z",
                  "stopTimestamp": "2019-12-15T00:50:23.2643855Z"
                  "size": {
                    "width": 640,
                    "height": 480
                  "audioMuted": false,
                  "audioDisabled": false,
                  "videoMuted": false,
                  "videoDisabled": false,
                  "startTimestamp": "2019-12-15T00:50:23.2963855Z",
                  "stopTimestamp": "2019-12-15T00:50:24.4283855Z"
      "id": "84a34515889143a7ac22ec679f347c14",
      "deviceId": "2ef4f3c7ccd84cdf874c85f03782f878",
      "userId": "1bd6f5b9bbbc44e9955ae4658c2dfbd6",
      "startTimestamp": "2019-12-15T00:50:20.0703811Z",
      "stopTimestamp": "2019-12-15T00:50:27.4008816Z",
      "connections": [
          "id": "4e1b23826d7749438ab944b997a4ac2e",
          "startTimestamp": "2019-12-15T00:50:20.0703811Z",
          "stopTimestamp": "2019-12-15T00:50:27.4008816Z",
          "recordings": [
              "id": "73b810d7-e3ce-4929-be04-88ae5d2da6ac",
              "audioId": "aad8aed4-a4d1-4020-bce7-89e226ea5874",
              "videoId": "1ae41ed7-e6a0-4a02-aaa3-a62390b8359f",
              "startTimestamp": "2019-12-15T00:50:20.0703811Z",
              "stopTimestamp": "2019-12-15T00:50:27.4008816Z",
              "audioStartTimestamp": "2019-12-15T00:50:20.0703811Z",
              "audioStopTimestamp": "2019-12-15T00:50:27.4008816Z",
              "videoStartTimestamp": "2019-12-15T00:50:20.0703811Z",
              "videoStopTimestamp": "2019-12-15T00:50:27.4008816Z",
              "audioFile": "/path/to/my/recordings/4e1b23826d7749438ab944b997a4ac2e-0.mka",
              "videoFile": "/path/to/my/recordings/4e1b23826d7749438ab944b997a4ac2e-0.mkv",
              "logFile": "/path/to/my/recordings/4e1b23826d7749438ab944b997a4ac2e-0.json",
              "videoDelay": 0.0,
              "videoSegments": [
                  "size": {
                    "width": 1920,
                    "height": 1080
                  "connectionTag": "screen",
                  "audioMuted": false,
                  "audioDisabled": false,
                  "videoMuted": false,
                  "videoDisabled": false,
                  "startTimestamp": "2019-12-15T00:50:20.0703811Z",
                  "stopTimestamp": "2019-12-15T00:50:27.1563811Z"


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All contents copyright © Frozen Mountain Software.