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Lichess Development customizing your db

Jonathan Gamble edited this page Feb 29, 2024 · 8 revisions

Running spamdb - Download from GitHub

python3.9+, pip3, pymongo, and the requests module are required. If you don't have python3, use your package manager or the downloads page to install it, then get pip3, pymongo, and requests with command line:

python -m ensurepip --upgrade
# NOTE - On windows it might be "py -m ensurepip --upgrade"
pip3 install pymongo requests

The lila-db-seed/spamdb/ script can do a few things. Usage help:

cd spamdb
python3 ./ --help

Usually, the script will generate a new set of data from inputs in the provided arguments as well as the spamdb/data directory. This data will be merged into your running mongodb instance at by default. To customize connection details use the --uri argument. Set the password for your users with the --password flag (otherwise they will default to "password"). Set the default background in user prefs with --user-bg (default is dark mode, use 400 for transparency). For other options see --help. Add, remove, or modify entries to the various .txt files in the data directory if you want to customize fluffy stuff.

Do consider providing different passwords than the default if your dev instance will be exposed to others.

Special users:

  • superadmin - ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN
  • admin - ROLE_ADMIN
  • shusher - ROLE_SHUSHER
  • hunter - ROLE_CHEAT_HUNTER
  • api - ROLE_API_HOG (this guy is useful for api testing, both server and clients)
  • coach - ROLE_COACH
  • teacher - ROLE_TEACHER
  • troll - marked as troll
  • rankban - marked as rankban
  • reportban - marked as reportban
  • boost - marked as boost
  • alt - marked as alt
  • bot - marked as bot
  • engine - marked as engine user
  • kid - they're just children, how could you checkmate children?
  • wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww - 20 W's in visible username, WGM title, and a patron to test css formatting for extremely wide usernames.

Normal users:

The normal users have all the data. This includes notifications, ratings, follows, game histories, activity, timelines, blogs, forums, teams, tournaments. Their usernames can be found and customized in data/uids.txt. Specify user/password to set individual passwords