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README file for the Application Heartbeats Project (Heartbeats)

The contents of this README file are:

  Project Description
  Getting Started
  Directory Organization
  Documentation for Heartbeats
  Environment Variables for Heartbeats
  Shared Memory Implementations
  Testing Heartbeats
  Using Power Monitoring
  Team Members

Project Description

The Application Heartbeats framework provides a simple, standardized way for
applications to monitor their performance and make that information available
to external observers. The framework allows programmers to express their
application's goals and the progress that it is making using a simple API.
This progress can then be observed by either the application itself or an
external system (such as the OS or another application) so that the application
or system can be adapted to make sure the goals are met.

The 2.0 version adds support for accuracy and power monitoring. For other
changes, or if upgrading from a previous release, please see the NEWS file.

Source code available at:

Original Heartbeats code, website, and discussion group are at:

Getting Started

To build the libraries, run:

$ make

To install the libraries to the local system, run:

$ make install

Headers are installed to /usr/local/include/heartbeats.
The libraries are installed to /usr/local/lib.

To remove the libraries from the local system, run:

$ make uninstall


There are three main Heartbeats libraries available to choose from:
    Headers: heartbeat.h, heartbeat-types.h
    Performance monitoring.
    Headers: heartbeat-accuracy.h, heartbeat-accuracy-types.h
    Performance and accuracy monitoring.
    Headers: heartbeat-accuracy-power.h, heartbeat-accuracy-power-types.h
    Performance, accuracy, and power monitoring.
    Uses the hb-energy interface to collect energy readings, which the library
    converts to power values.

hb-energy implementations:
    A dummy implementation.
    Collects energy readings from an Intel Model-Specific Register (MSR).
    Requires the "msr" kernel module to be loaded.
    Reads INA-231 power sensors on an ODROID-XU+E development board.
    Requires the sensors to be enabled.
    Reads power from a WattsUp? Pro external power monitor via USB.
    This library is disabled by default from the build because of its
    dependency on another library:
    Contains all implementations, with the hb-energy interface disabled.

For further information, see the Using Power Monitoring section.

Directory Organization

|-doc/    -- Documentation
  |-html  -- Documentation in HTML format
  |-latex -- Documentation in latex format
|-inc/    -- Header files
|-src/    -- Source files

Documentation for Heartbeats

The documentation for the Heartbeats framework is created with Doxygen.
To build the documentation, run:

  doxygen heartbeats_doc

Environment Variables for Heartbeats

In the Heartbeats framework, Heartbeat-enabled applications signal
their presence to the rest of the world by writing a file to a special
directory.  Currently, this directory is specified by an environment
variable: HEARTBEAT_ENABLED_DIR.  Before running the tests, users
should define this variable to point to a directory in which they have
read and write permissions.

Shared Memory Implementations

Heartbeats use shared memory to support inter-process communication.
However, they do not clean up after themselves - that is the user's
responsbility.  The following is a simple script to free memory after
processes complete:

# Cleanup heartbeats shared memory
# Connor Imes
# 2015-01-15

MEMS=`ipcs | grep $USER | awk '{print $2}'`
for k in $MEMS
        echo Freeing $k
        ipcrm -m $k

Testing Heartbeats

The latest release of the Heartbeats framework comes with a set of
available tests that can be used to familiarize yourself with this
API. You can run one of our two examples, using the following command
(use it from the root directory of the Heartbeats framework):

  make bench-tp

to use the throughput example, or

  make bench-lat

to use the latency example

Using Power Monitoring

The following applies to libhb-acc-pow-shared.

Power/energy readings require hardware resources to provide data to software.
We therefore introduce the hb-energy interface to allow Heartbeats to access
this information. Some implementations are included, the most likely of which
to be used is hb-energy-msr, which polls an Intel Model-Specific Register.
Of course, users can write their own implementations if they have different
resources - see the included ones for examples.

If you want to use a single hb-energy implementation (e.g. hb-energy-msr) to
collect metrics, you can define HB_ENERGY_IMPL in your code in order to use the
header functions defined in hb-energy.h. Using the interface functions allows
changing which energy implementation library you use at build time without
modifying code, only the library you link with. E.g., you can make a call to
hb_energy_impl_alloc() and pass the pointer returned to
heartbeat_acc_pow_init() without the code needing to know which implementation
is active.

If you wish to read energy data from multiple sources, you will need to write
your own hb-energy implementation that wraps around existing and/or new
hb-energy implementations which are compiled WITHOUT HB_ENERGY_IMPL, meaning
you will need to access their functions directly. For example, if you need to
combine MSR and WattsUp reading, you will implement hb_energy_read_total(), and
from there make calls to both hb_energy_read_total_msr() and
hb_energy_read_total_wattsup(). This is easily achieved by linking with

Team Members

Version 2.x:
  Connor Imes
  Henry Hoffmann

Version 1.x:
  Henry Hoffmann
  Jonathan Eastep
  Marco D. Santambrogio
  Jason E. Miller
  Anant Agarwal