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Randy Hunt edited this page Dec 23, 2013 · 13 revisions

Specter is the automated visual regression testing framework that you've been wishing for.

For most other forms of software development there exist unit testing frameworks with which a developer can verify that new code does nothing to break existing code, but for the front-end (UI) developer, there are very few tools to test design and layout, and the ones that do exist are terribly clumsy. This has always resulted in a huge need for heavy manual testing and QA after changes are made, to ensure that a change in one place doesn't break something somewhere else.

Specter aims to change that. After you've built a page and you know it's right you can set up a Specter test to prove that page, and each of its individual components are correctly rendered. Specter will capture screenshots of the elements matching the selectors you specify, at all the screen dimensions you desire. Then, just run your suite of Specter tests the next time you make a change to ensure you haven't broken anything. If something does break, you'll get a nice screenshot with the differences highlighted in red.


Specter is maintained by Randy Hunt

Portions of Specter were inspired by PhantomCSS, and by SlimerJS.

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