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Modifying the native JavaScript objects leads to unexpected behaviour.

We use this within a sandboxed environment. Don't use this for your website.

String methods

string capitalize()

Turn the first character of a string into uppercase.

string camelCase()

Turn a sentense into CamelCase.

float toInt()

Turn the string into an integer using parseInt.

float toFloat()

Turn the string into an float using parseFloat.

Date toDate()

Turn the string into a Date object with 'date' format, using moment.js.

Date toDateTime()

Turn the string into a Date object with 'date time' format, using moment.js.

Date toTime()

Turn the string into a Date object with 'time' format, using moment.js.

string dateFormat(string formatAs)

Turn the string into a Date object, than format that date.

Date addPeriod(int duration, string unit) or Date addPeriod(object period)

Turn the string into a Date object, than add a period.

Date substractPeriod(int duration, string unit) or Date substractPeriod(object period)

Turn the string into a Date object, than substract a period.

string asList(string listType)

Split the string on a line break, than turn the lines into an unordered (<ul>) or ordered (<ol>) list.

Array methods

string asList(string listType)

Create an unordered (<ul>) or ordered (<ol>) list with each item in the array.

string toString()

Join the items of array with a komma.

boolean includes(item)

Minimal polyfill of Array.includes.

Array functions

boolean isArray

Polyfill of Array.isArray.

Number methods


Spell out the numbers using the spell-it library.

window.spell = spellit('fr');

var number = 42;
// fourty two


Additional methods for native JavaScript objects (used in LegalDocx templates)







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