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Releases: learnforpractice/evmone4eosio

evmone4eosio v1.6

21 Apr 11:40
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  1. Only increase nonce on the origin trx call
  2. Return EVMC_OUT_OF_GAS on call to precompiled contracts running out of gas
  4. Limited call depth to avoid a stack overflow
  5. Cache code in memory to reduce memory usage as simple malloc may cause lots of memory allocations
  6. Fix delegatecall
  7. Fix create

evmone4eosio v1.5

16 Apr 12:47
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  1. Fix chain id
  2. Fix delegate call
  3. Fix sign transaction wit eth private key
  4. set stack size to 16384 to avoid stack overflow.
  5. Fix uninitialized value

evmone4eosio v1.4

10 Apr 11:25
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  1. Added support for EVM call via EVM Smart Contract
  2. Added support for interacting with EVM Smart Contract via Ethereum RPC interface

evmone4eosio v1.3

02 Apr 12:59
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v1.3 bug fixes & improvements

evmone4eosio v1.2

13 Mar 06:19
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  1. Fix deploy contract with value

2.Specify ram payer when call eth_account_set_balance

evmone4eosio v1.1

05 Mar 08:47
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  1. Fix EVMHost::get_storage.
  2. Fix new a 32 bytes aligned C++ object lead to a memory corruption.
  3. Write test code for pass ethereum VMTests.
  4. Change EVM main token type from int64_t to uint256 to make code compatible with VMTests.