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A tool to scrape the website and download receipt information for a given user.


  • NodeJS >= 10.4.0
  • NPM >= 6.1.0
  • Docker (including Swarm, and Docker-Compose)

Getting Setup for Development

  1. Clone this repository

    git clone
  2. Install Dependencies

    npm install
  3. Start Postgres DB Image (or use any other Postgres Server)

    docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.db.yml
  4. Run DB Migrations (see note on TypeORM & Typescript)

    npm run db:migrate

Generating Migrations

(see note on TypeORM & Typescript) Run the following command:

npm run db:generate -- "-n <EntityName>"

Where <EntityName> is the exported class name of an entity to generate a new migration from.

Note on TypeORM CLI & Typescript

Typeorm loads JS files, so we need to build the TS files first, and the paths for entities,migrations,etc used by the CLI must target the dist/ folder.

The NPM scripts in this package are setup to build first, so just execute the db:* commands included.


This project uses Google Cloud Platform and Terraform.

  1. Create project in GCP

  2. Update project id in

  3. Create GCP Service User In order to run the included terraform scripts, you must first setup the service user and then download the associated credentials (json key file).

  4. Download keyfile

    mv ~/Downloads/{{keyfile}}.json ~/.gcp/
  5. Export ENV Variable with keyfile location

    export GOOGLE_CLOUD_KEYFILE_JSON={{path}}
  6. Run terraform

    terraform apply


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