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In this project, you will use SQL to explore a database related to movie rentals. You will write SQL code to run SQL queries and answer interesting questions about the database. As part of your project submission, you will run SQL queries and build visualizations to showcase the output of your queries.

We will begin by getting familiar with the database. We have included Practice Quizzes that include a series of questions that will assure you have mastered the main concepts taught throughout the SQL lessons. These practice quizzes will not be "graded" by a reviewer, but they will help you self-assess and make sure you are on the right track. The quizzes are there to assist you in understanding the database before developing the questions that you wish to include for the project.

The project submission is a presentation, which will be reviewed, and for which you will need to Meet Expectations to pass. For the presentation component, you will create four slides. Each slide will:

Have a question of interest. Have a supporting SQL query needed to answer the question. Have a supporting visualization created using the final data of your SQL query that answers your question of interest. You will submit your project at the end of the project lessons. Your project will include:

A set of slides with a question, visualization, and small summary on each slide. A text file with your queries needed to answer each of the four questions. The essentials of your project submission are discussed on the page labeled as Project Submission.


The Sakila Database holds information about a company that rents movie DVDs. For this project, we will be querying the database to gain an understanding of the customer base, such as what the patterns in movie watching are across different customer groups, how they compare on payment earnings, and how the stores compare in their performance.

Database Diagram (ERD)

Software used: Postgresql

PostgreSQL is an open-source object-relational database system that is used frequently in industry.

Object-relational databases use a hybrid approach to databases.

In object databases, information is stored as objects, much like object-oriented programming.

In relational databases, information is stored in tables with relationships between tables defined by primary and foreign keys.

Importantly, PostgreSQL allows the use of advanced functions (such as Window Functions), and even development and use of custom functions written in different programming languages. Here is a link to better understand what is meant by an object-relational database, and how it differs from a relational database.


Exploration of the DVDRental Database with SQL , Posgresql







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