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A Nitrite Database wrapper for Flutter apps using nitrite-database library.

Only supports Android for now.

Getting Started

Open or create a database

  • import flutter_nitrite
import 'package:flutter_nitrite/flutter_nitrite.dart';
  • Then call the openDatabase method and pass in your database file as a string.

Create a document

Map user = {
    "name": "Olalekan Oladipupo",
    "website": ""

Map response = await FlutterNitrite.createDocument("users", user); 

It takes a Collection name as the first argument and a document as the second. Then returns the saved Document. If the Collection doesn't exist, it creates it.

Update a document

Map response = FlutterNitrite.update("collectionName", doc);

You can also pass in an optional name parameter upsert: true if you want the document to be inserted if it doesn't exist.

Delete a document

String result = await FlutterNitrite.deleteDocument("CollectionName", 287497989079);

Takes a Collection name and the _id of the document. Returns a string message for the transaction.

List items in a Collection

List response = await FlutterNitrite.find("collectionName");
  • it also takes optional named parameters:
    offset; // defaults to 0
    limit; // defaults to 15

Find a Document by id

Map response = await FlutterNitrite.findById("collectionName", 235897485085);

It return the Document or null if it doesn't exist.

  • Every created Document autogenerates a _id field in the database for indexing.

Find a list of documents by query

List response = await FlutterNitrite.findWhere("collectionName", "field", "value");

It returns a list documents that satisfy the given query. Also takes optional name parameters for offset and limit. Good for pagination.