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This extension allows you to make builds with the new ASP.NET 5 tools easier.
This extension includes the following tasks:

  • DNX Tasks Build Web Package
  • DNX Tasks Publish Web Package
  • DNX Tasks Build Nuget Package
  • DNX Tasks Azure SlotSwap

DNX Tasks Build Web

With this task you can build a website project and create an output folder with all necessary content for a deployment to Azue. You have to specify a project in your solution by setting the "Project Name" property. The name is in fact the folder name of the project. Make sure to wrap the name in double quotes if there are any spaces in this name.
Multiple projects can be build by separate them with a space. If you leave this field blank all projects in the "Working folder/src/" folder are build.

The "Build Configuration" property can be empty or any single word you want to have there.

All the results of the build process will put in the folder specified in "Output Folder".

Under the "Advanced" group you can decide if you want the source code to be included in the build output with the "Publish Source" switch. Also the "Working Folder" can be specified here. Usual this should be the folder where your .sln file is.
The field "Source Folder" is used to specify a subfolder where your projects are located. The default value is "src" like in a standard core project. If your project folders are direct in your "Working Folder" leave this field blank.
Please enter a relative path to the "Working Folder".

The Task will look in "Working folder/Source Folder/Project Name" for a project.json and starts building this project.

This task will fail when no project can be found in the specified location.

All your npm, grunt, bower and so on tasks should be before this task to make sure all the generated content is included in the output.

DNX Tasks Publish Web Package

You can publish your website build with the "Build Web Package" task to an Azure Web App. To do so you have to select the azure subscription your App is on in the "Azure Classic Subscription" field and type in the "Web App Name". If you select a "Web App Location" the field "Web App Name" has prefilled options.

In the "Deployment Slot" field specify the target Slot for the deployment. Leave this blank if you do not want to use a deployment slot.

"Source Folder" should point at the folder where the build output ist written to.

Note: the Build Task will put the output in subfolders with the project name, so you have to point at these. For example you build "Sample.Web" so your "Source Folder" should look like this: "$(Build.StagingDirectory)\Publish\Sample.Web".

The options listed under "Advanced" are used to control the behavior of the Web App before and after the deployment.

If only "Stop Before Deployment" is checked you have to start your App manually later on.

DNX Tasks Build Nuget Package

This task is used to create Nuget packages for one or multiple projects. For the fields "Project Name", "Build Configuration", "Output Folder" and "Working Folder" please have a look at the "Build Web" task.

Within the "Advanced" section there is a checkbox for "Pre Release". If this is true, the nuget package will build as prerelease with "VERSIONNUMBER-pre-BUILDNUMBER" in name.

The "BUILDNUMBER" part is taken from the "Build number format" under the "Global" tab in your build definition settings. This task takes the last number from this string.
I recommend to set the "Build number format" to somthing like this:

DNX Tasks Azure SlotSwap

If you use deployment slots in your Azure Website and want to switch the slots after deployment you can use this task.

In "Azure Classic Subscription" select the subscription your Website is assigned to.
"Web App Location" is optional and is only used to have options for "Web App Name" prefilled. The Name of the Azure Website have to be in "Web App Name".
Specify the slots you want to swap in the "From" and "To" fields.

Questions, Recommendations, Issues?

Please have a look here: GitHub Issues

Release Notes

Version 0.0.22

  • fixed DNXInstall with "Specific Runtime"
  • fixed "Web App Location" can not be empty

Version 0.0.21

  • updated Readme file
  • code cleanup
DNX Tasks Build Nuget 0.0.5
  • added option for "Source Folder"
  • added option for "Specific Runtime"
  • added option for "Unstable Runtime"
  • fixed project count in console output
DNX Tasks Build Web 0.0.11
  • added option for "Specific Runtime"
  • added option for "Unstable Runtime"
  • fixed project count in console output
DNX Tasks Publish Web 0.0.3
  • added option for "Web App Location"
DNX Tasks Azure SlotSwap 0.0.3
  • added option for "Web App Location"

Version 0.0.19

  • updated Readme file
DNX Tasks Build Web 0.0.10
  • added option for "Source Folder"
  • fixed project count in console output


Extensions for TFS/VSTO to build and deploy ASP.Net 5 projects.







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