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Big Data Tools

Simple and easy to use provisioning, deployment and administration tools for Big Data / NoSQL environments

Provisioning is available for both Vagrant/VirtualBox and AWS EC2 along with deployment tools for the following using Fabric:

Prerequisites (Mac OSX)

Miniconda - Python package manager

wget -O
chmod +x
./ -b

Add the following to your ~/.profile:

export PATH="~/miniconda2/bin:$PATH"

The run the following commands to create and activate environment:

source ~/.profile
conda env create
source activate bigdata-tools


You can use the provided Vagrant or AWS EC2 provisioning tools to quickly and easily create virtual machines or create on your own.


Once you have configured and launched your virtual hosts, you are now ready to deploy software to those machines.

1. Configuration

There is a sample deployment configuration file for Vagrant and AWS for you to use as a starting point:

cp deploy/config/vagrant.yml.sample deploy/config/vagrant.yml


cp deploy/aws.yml.sample deploy/aws.yml`

Update the configuration file based on the software you want to deploy. All software follows the same pattern which includes the host name, public IP, private IP, software and software arguments as show below:

- name: <host name>
   public-ip: <public ip address>
   private-ip: <private ip address>
     - name: <software to install>
       <argument key>: <argument values>
       <argument key>: <argument values>
       <argument key>: <argument values>
     - name: <software to install>
       <argument key>: <argument values>

Additionally, you can use the all-hosts sections, to install the same software on all hosts. The all-hosts and hosts configuration settings are merged automatically for you when deploying.

The arguments for each tool deployed are show in the next section with the name matching the software name.

Software Specific Configuration


argument default value description
cluster-name 'Test Cluster' unique name of your Cassandra cluster
data-file-directory /var/lib/cassandra/data data file directory
commit-log-directory /var/lib/cassandra/commit_log commit log directory
saved-caches-directory /var/lib/cassandra/saved_caches saved caches directory
endpoint-snitch SimpleSnitch determines data center and racks for nodes
seeds host's private ip comma-separated list of cassandra nodes as host:port
listen-address host's private ip ip address used to connect to node
rpc-address host's private ip listen ip address for client connections


No arguments required.


argument default value description
cluster-name my-cluster name of your crate cluster
data-dir array of data directories (see sample config)
heap-size Java heap size
security-group-name name of security for EC2 instance to discover crate nodes (optional)
product-tag EC2 instance product tag to discover crate nodes (optional)
aws-access-key AWS access key (optional)
aws-secret-key AWS secret key (optional)


argument default value description
db-name name of database
db-user name of database user
db-password database password
data-dir data directory where Postgres data is stored


No arguments required.


argument default value description
version kafka version
zookeeper-hosts localhost:2181 comma-separated connect string of host:port nodes
broker-id 1 unique identifier for each broker
log-directories /var/lib/kafka-logs comma-separated directories for Kafka data

Note: zookeeper is required for kafka-broker and should be installed first. This can be specified by how the entries are ordered in your YAML configuration file.


argument default value description
zookeeper-hosts localhost:2181 comma-separated connect string of host:port nodes

Note: zookeeper is required for kafka-broker and should be installed first. This can be specified by how the entries are ordered in your YAML configuration file.


argument default value description
version 3.2.6 redis version
port 6379 redis port
data-directory /var/lib/redis/ location of redis data on disk


No arguments required.


argument default value description
port 2181 zookeeper port
nodes array of ZK server nodes (see sample config)

2. Deployment

Once the configuration file has been edited, you are ready to deploy software to your hosts. This is done using fabric:

# fab deploy:"<relative location of your deployment config file"

fab deploy:"deploy/config/vagrant.yml"

3. Administration

For a list of administration tools available:

fab -l

Most commands will required the path to your deployment config file, for example:

fab cassandra.nodetool:"deploy/config/aws-cassandra-cluster.yml","status"


Simple and easy to use provisioning, deployment and administration tools for Big Data / NoSQL environments







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