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This Laravel application is my personal portfolio site for my resume, software projects, and photography.

I switched to developing on macOS and moved the production instance to AWS. I'll let you determine whether that is an improvement

Local Development (Docker)

Install WSL2

If on Windows verify you are doing the setup with WSL2. This is the bash shell you should be using, and also the Docker driver you should be using.

If it is not installed you can do so by simply running the following command in powershell:

wsl --install -d "Ubuntu-20.04"

Docker Desktop

Make sure that you have Docker Desktop installed and running

Clone Repo

Clone the codebase, preferably somewhere in your home directory

git clone

You'll then need to create your .env file by copying the example env file

cp .env.example.local .env

Sail Setup

The rest of the instructions use the sail command. You should alias this command to the following:


Before starting the Docker container install the composer packages, once you have the container running you may want to run a composer update if any of the local path packages didn't install correctly

docker run --rm \
    -u "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
    -v $(pwd):/var/www/html \
    -w /var/www/html \
    laravelsail/php81-composer:latest \
    composer install --ignore-platform-reqs

Start the container in detached mode

sail up -d

Generate an application key

sail artisan key:generate

And fill out the missing variables in the .env file


Once it's up you can migrate and seed the database

sail artisan migrate && sail artisan db:seed

And set an admin password for the admin panel login, the username is the email specified in the .env file

sail artisan admin:password

You'll also need to generate the assets

sail npm run dev

Lastly, you'll need to go to localhost:9000 to access the MinIO console

Login using sail as the username and password as the password and create a bucket named local with a Public access policy

You'll then need to sync the static assets with

sail artisan assets:sync-static

Production (AWS Elastic Beanstalk)

The CodePipeline for the AWS EB istance is set to track the master branch, just push to that branch and add the commented out vars in .env.production to the EB enviroment properties.

You'll need to generate an APP_KEY elsewhere otherwise the build process would change it every time.

Be sure to enable CloudWatch because it's set up to stream the laravel log files to CloudWatch.

You're good to go👍


Laravel web app that powers my personal portfolio website



