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v1.4.10: Added a function to construct features derived from PFS mutual inform…

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@drylks drylks released this 25 Apr 12:38
· 1 commit to master since this release

Change Log

v.1.4.10 Changes

  • Added a function to construct features derived from PFS mutual information estimation that should be expected to be linearly related to the target.
  • Fixed a global name conflict in kxy.learning.base_learners.

v.1.4.9 Changes

  • Change the activation function used by PFS from ReLU to switch/SILU.
  • Leaving it to the user to set the logging level.

v.1.4.8 Changes

  • Froze the versions of all python packages in the docker file.

v.1.4.7 Changes

Changes related to optimizing Principal Feature Selection.

  • Made it easy to change PFS' default learning parameters.
  • Changed PFS' default learning parameters (learning rate is now 0.005 and epsilon 1e-04)
  • Adding a seed parameter to PFS' fit for reproducibility.

To globally change the learning rate to 0.003, change Adam's epsilon to 1e-5, and the number of epochs to 25, do

from import set_default_parameter
set_default_parameter('lr', 0.003)
set_default_parameter('epsilon', 1e-5)
set_default_parameter('epochs', 25)

To change the number epochs for a single iteration of PFS, use the epochs argument of the fit method of your PFS object. The fit method now also has a seed parameter you may use to make the PFS implementation deterministic.


from kxy.pfs import PFS
selector = PFS(), y, epochs=25, seed=123)

Alternatively, you may also use the method to make PFS deterministic.

v.1.4.6 Changes

Minor PFS improvements.

  • Adding more (robust) mutual information loss functions.
  • Exposing the learned total mutual information between principal features and target as an attribute of PFS.
  • Exposing the number of epochs as a parameter of PFS' fit.