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Pull requests: kubernetes/kubernetes

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Pull requests list

Support Dev Containers / Github Codespaces cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. kind/feature Categorizes issue or PR as related to a new feature. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. release-note Denotes a PR that will be considered when it comes time to generate release notes. sig/architecture Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Architecture. sig/contributor-experience Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Contributor Experience. size/L Denotes a PR that changes 100-499 lines, ignoring generated files.
#124584 opened Apr 27, 2024 by bells17 Loading…
clean up LocalTrafficDetector construction / tests approved Indicates a PR has been approved by an approver from all required OWNERS files. area/ipvs area/kube-proxy cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. kind/cleanup Categorizes issue or PR as related to cleaning up code, process, or technical debt. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. release-note-none Denotes a PR that doesn't merit a release note. sig/network Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Network. size/XL Denotes a PR that changes 500-999 lines, ignoring generated files. tide/merge-method-squash Denotes a PR that should be squashed by tide when it merges.
#124582 opened Apr 27, 2024 by danwinship Loading…
[DO NOT MERGE] CI Testing area/e2e-test-framework Issues or PRs related to refactoring the kubernetes e2e test framework area/test cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. do-not-merge/needs-kind Indicates a PR lacks a `kind/foo` label and requires one. do-not-merge/release-note-label-needed Indicates that a PR should not merge because it's missing one of the release note labels. do-not-merge/work-in-progress Indicates that a PR should not merge because it is a work in progress. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-rebase Indicates a PR cannot be merged because it has merge conflicts with HEAD. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. sig/testing Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Testing. size/XS Denotes a PR that changes 0-9 lines, ignoring generated files.
#124580 opened Apr 27, 2024 by aroradaman Draft
support scheduler_plugin_execution_duration_seconds in scheduler_perf approved Indicates a PR has been approved by an approver from all required OWNERS files. area/test cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. kind/feature Categorizes issue or PR as related to a new feature. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. release-note-none Denotes a PR that doesn't merit a release note. sig/scheduling Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Scheduling. sig/testing Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Testing. size/L Denotes a PR that changes 100-499 lines, ignoring generated files.
#124578 opened Apr 27, 2024 by sanposhiho Loading…
controlplane/apiserver: move peer proxy code to allow generic aggregator construction approved Indicates a PR has been approved by an approver from all required OWNERS files. area/apiserver cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. do-not-merge/hold Indicates that a PR should not merge because someone has issued a /hold command. kind/cleanup Categorizes issue or PR as related to cleaning up code, process, or technical debt. lgtm "Looks good to me", indicates that a PR is ready to be merged. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. priority/important-soon Must be staffed and worked on either currently, or very soon, ideally in time for the next release. release-note-none Denotes a PR that doesn't merit a release note. sig/api-machinery Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG API Machinery. size/L Denotes a PR that changes 100-499 lines, ignoring generated files.
#124576 opened Apr 27, 2024 by sttts Loading…
enable kubelet server to dynamically load tls certificate files area/kubelet cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. kind/feature Categorizes issue or PR as related to a new feature. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. ok-to-test Indicates a non-member PR verified by an org member that is safe to test. release-note Denotes a PR that will be considered when it comes time to generate release notes. sig/auth Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Auth. sig/node Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Node. size/L Denotes a PR that changes 100-499 lines, ignoring generated files.
#124574 opened Apr 26, 2024 by zhangweikop Loading…
tag TrafficDistribution tests to avoid running on clusters without th… area/code-generation area/test cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. kind/api-change Categorizes issue or PR as related to adding, removing, or otherwise changing an API kind/bug Categorizes issue or PR as related to a bug. kind/failing-test Categorizes issue or PR as related to a consistently or frequently failing test. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. release-note-none Denotes a PR that doesn't merit a release note. sig/api-machinery Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG API Machinery. sig/network Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Network. sig/testing Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Testing. size/S Denotes a PR that changes 10-29 lines, ignoring generated files.
#124572 opened Apr 26, 2024 by aojea Loading…
Automated cherry pick of #124503: kubeadm: check for available nodes during 'CreateJob' approved Indicates a PR has been approved by an approver from all required OWNERS files. area/kubeadm cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. do-not-merge/cherry-pick-not-approved Indicates that a PR is not yet approved to merge into a release branch. kind/bug Categorizes issue or PR as related to a bug. kind/regression Categorizes issue or PR as related to a regression from a prior release. lgtm "Looks good to me", indicates that a PR is ready to be merged. priority/important-soon Must be staffed and worked on either currently, or very soon, ideally in time for the next release. release-note Denotes a PR that will be considered when it comes time to generate release notes. sig/cluster-lifecycle Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Cluster Lifecycle. size/M Denotes a PR that changes 30-99 lines, ignoring generated files. triage/accepted Indicates an issue or PR is ready to be actively worked on.
#124570 opened Apr 26, 2024 by neolit123 Loading… v1.30
Add integration tests for policy secondary authz runtime cost limit. area/test cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. do-not-merge/release-note-label-needed Indicates that a PR should not merge because it's missing one of the release note labels. kind/cleanup Categorizes issue or PR as related to cleaning up code, process, or technical debt. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. sig/api-machinery Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG API Machinery. sig/testing Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Testing. size/M Denotes a PR that changes 30-99 lines, ignoring generated files.
#124569 opened Apr 26, 2024 by benluddy Loading…
api: fix ValidatingAdmissionPolicyList json tag cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. kind/api-change Categorizes issue or PR as related to adding, removing, or otherwise changing an API kind/bug Categorizes issue or PR as related to a bug. needs-ok-to-test Indicates a PR that requires an org member to verify it is safe to test. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. release-note Denotes a PR that will be considered when it comes time to generate release notes. sig/api-machinery Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG API Machinery. size/XS Denotes a PR that changes 0-9 lines, ignoring generated files.
#124568 opened Apr 26, 2024 by xyz-li Loading…
add e2e test when a plugin (in-tree or out-of-tree) return non-existent/illegal nodes, the pod should be scheduled normally if suitable nodes exists approved Indicates a PR has been approved by an approver from all required OWNERS files. area/test cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. do-not-merge/release-note-label-needed Indicates that a PR should not merge because it's missing one of the release note labels. kind/flake Categorizes issue or PR as related to a flaky test. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. ok-to-test Indicates a non-member PR verified by an org member that is safe to test. sig/scheduling Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Scheduling. sig/testing Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Testing. size/M Denotes a PR that changes 30-99 lines, ignoring generated files.
#124567 opened Apr 26, 2024 by chengjoey Loading…
Automated cherry pick of #123809: fix stateful set pod recreation and event spam approved Indicates a PR has been approved by an approver from all required OWNERS files. area/e2e-test-framework Issues or PRs related to refactoring the kubernetes e2e test framework area/test cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. do-not-merge/cherry-pick-not-approved Indicates that a PR is not yet approved to merge into a release branch. do-not-merge/hold Indicates that a PR should not merge because someone has issued a /hold command. kind/bug Categorizes issue or PR as related to a bug. priority/important-soon Must be staffed and worked on either currently, or very soon, ideally in time for the next release. sig/apps Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Apps. sig/testing Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Testing. size/L Denotes a PR that changes 100-499 lines, ignoring generated files. triage/accepted Indicates an issue or PR is ready to be actively worked on.
#124565 opened Apr 26, 2024 by atiratree Loading… v1.28
Automated cherry pick of #123809: fix stateful set pod recreation and event spam approved Indicates a PR has been approved by an approver from all required OWNERS files. area/e2e-test-framework Issues or PRs related to refactoring the kubernetes e2e test framework area/test cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. do-not-merge/cherry-pick-not-approved Indicates that a PR is not yet approved to merge into a release branch. do-not-merge/hold Indicates that a PR should not merge because someone has issued a /hold command. kind/bug Categorizes issue or PR as related to a bug. lgtm "Looks good to me", indicates that a PR is ready to be merged. priority/important-soon Must be staffed and worked on either currently, or very soon, ideally in time for the next release. sig/apps Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Apps. sig/testing Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Testing. size/L Denotes a PR that changes 100-499 lines, ignoring generated files. triage/accepted Indicates an issue or PR is ready to be actively worked on.
#124564 opened Apr 26, 2024 by atiratree Loading… v1.29
Automated cherry pick of #123809: fix stateful set pod recreation and event spam approved Indicates a PR has been approved by an approver from all required OWNERS files. area/e2e-test-framework Issues or PRs related to refactoring the kubernetes e2e test framework area/test cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. do-not-merge/cherry-pick-not-approved Indicates that a PR is not yet approved to merge into a release branch. do-not-merge/hold Indicates that a PR should not merge because someone has issued a /hold command. kind/bug Categorizes issue or PR as related to a bug. priority/important-soon Must be staffed and worked on either currently, or very soon, ideally in time for the next release. sig/apps Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Apps. sig/testing Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Testing. size/L Denotes a PR that changes 100-499 lines, ignoring generated files. triage/accepted Indicates an issue or PR is ready to be actively worked on.
#124563 opened Apr 26, 2024 by atiratree Loading… v1.30
Bump to v1.4.0 area/apiserver area/cloudprovider area/code-generation area/dependency Issues or PRs related to dependency changes area/kube-proxy area/kubectl cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. do-not-merge/release-note-label-needed Indicates that a PR should not merge because it's missing one of the release note labels. kind/feature Categorizes issue or PR as related to a new feature. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. sig/api-machinery Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG API Machinery. sig/architecture Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Architecture. sig/auth Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Auth. sig/cli Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG CLI. sig/cloud-provider Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Cloud Provider. sig/cluster-lifecycle Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Cluster Lifecycle. sig/instrumentation Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Instrumentation. sig/network Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Network. sig/node Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Node. sig/storage Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Storage. size/L Denotes a PR that changes 100-499 lines, ignoring generated files.
#124562 opened Apr 26, 2024 by sbueringer Loading…
kubelet: consider real CPU topology when check Core/Socket free area/kubelet cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. do-not-merge/release-note-label-needed Indicates that a PR should not merge because it's missing one of the release note labels. kind/bug Categorizes issue or PR as related to a bug. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. ok-to-test Indicates a non-member PR verified by an org member that is safe to test. sig/node Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Node. size/L Denotes a PR that changes 100-499 lines, ignoring generated files. triage/accepted Indicates an issue or PR is ready to be actively worked on.
#124561 opened Apr 26, 2024 by mtawaken Loading…
hotfix when a plugin (in-tree or out-of-tree) return non-existent/illegal nodes, the pod scheduling flow will abort immediately. cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. do-not-merge/cherry-pick-not-approved Indicates that a PR is not yet approved to merge into a release branch. do-not-merge/release-note-label-needed Indicates that a PR should not merge because it's missing one of the release note labels. kind/bug Categorizes issue or PR as related to a bug. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. ok-to-test Indicates a non-member PR verified by an org member that is safe to test. sig/scheduling Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Scheduling. size/S Denotes a PR that changes 10-29 lines, ignoring generated files.
#124559 opened Apr 26, 2024 by chengjoey Loading… v1.29
[WIP] Deployment status Progressing condition should respond immediately when rolling out a new revision approved Indicates a PR has been approved by an approver from all required OWNERS files. cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. do-not-merge/hold Indicates that a PR should not merge because someone has issued a /hold command. do-not-merge/work-in-progress Indicates that a PR should not merge because it is a work in progress. kind/bug Categorizes issue or PR as related to a bug. priority/backlog Higher priority than priority/awaiting-more-evidence. release-note-none Denotes a PR that doesn't merit a release note. sig/apps Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Apps. size/S Denotes a PR that changes 10-29 lines, ignoring generated files. triage/accepted Indicates an issue or PR is ready to be actively worked on.
#124558 opened Apr 26, 2024 by atiratree Loading…
Automated cherry pick of #124516: Fix behavior with external cloud provider and area/kubelet cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. do-not-merge/cherry-pick-not-approved Indicates that a PR is not yet approved to merge into a release branch. kind/bug Categorizes issue or PR as related to a bug. kind/regression Categorizes issue or PR as related to a regression from a prior release. lgtm "Looks good to me", indicates that a PR is ready to be merged. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. sig/node Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Node. size/S Denotes a PR that changes 10-29 lines, ignoring generated files.
#124556 opened Apr 26, 2024 by danwinship Loading… v1.29
Fix empty describedObject in hpa status cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. kind/bug Categorizes issue or PR as related to a bug. needs-ok-to-test Indicates a PR that requires an org member to verify it is safe to test. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. release-note-none Denotes a PR that doesn't merit a release note. sig/apps Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Apps. sig/autoscaling Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Autoscaling. size/XS Denotes a PR that changes 0-9 lines, ignoring generated files.
#124555 opened Apr 26, 2024 by mchtech Loading…
Automated cherry pick of #124516: Fix behavior with external cloud provider and area/kubelet cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. do-not-merge/cherry-pick-not-approved Indicates that a PR is not yet approved to merge into a release branch. kind/bug Categorizes issue or PR as related to a bug. kind/regression Categorizes issue or PR as related to a regression from a prior release. lgtm "Looks good to me", indicates that a PR is ready to be merged. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. sig/node Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Node. size/S Denotes a PR that changes 10-29 lines, ignoring generated files.
#124554 opened Apr 26, 2024 by danwinship Loading… v1.30
fix(api): make LocalObjectReference Name required area/code-generation cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. kind/api-change Categorizes issue or PR as related to adding, removing, or otherwise changing an API kind/bug Categorizes issue or PR as related to a bug. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. release-note Denotes a PR that will be considered when it comes time to generate release notes. sig/api-machinery Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG API Machinery. size/M Denotes a PR that changes 30-99 lines, ignoring generated files.
#124553 opened Apr 26, 2024 by pmalek Loading…
scheduler_perf: add DRA structured parameters test with shared claims approved Indicates a PR has been approved by an approver from all required OWNERS files. area/test cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. kind/cleanup Categorizes issue or PR as related to cleaning up code, process, or technical debt. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. release-note-none Denotes a PR that doesn't merit a release note. sig/testing Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Testing. size/L Denotes a PR that changes 100-499 lines, ignoring generated files.
#124548 opened Apr 26, 2024 by pohly Loading…
CephRBD volume plugin and its csi migration support are removed area/kubelet area/test cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. kind/api-change Categorizes issue or PR as related to adding, removing, or otherwise changing an API kind/cleanup Categorizes issue or PR as related to cleaning up code, process, or technical debt. kind/deprecation Categorizes issue or PR as related to a feature/enhancement marked for deprecation. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. release-note-action-required Denotes a PR that introduces potentially breaking changes that require user action. sig/api-machinery Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG API Machinery. sig/node Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Node. sig/scalability Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Scalability. sig/scheduling Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Scheduling. sig/storage Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Storage. sig/testing Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Testing. size/XXL Denotes a PR that changes 1000+ lines, ignoring generated files.
#124546 opened Apr 26, 2024 by carlory Loading…
remove the support for in-tree volume plugin cephfs area/kubelet area/test cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. kind/api-change Categorizes issue or PR as related to adding, removing, or otherwise changing an API kind/cleanup Categorizes issue or PR as related to cleaning up code, process, or technical debt. kind/deprecation Categorizes issue or PR as related to a feature/enhancement marked for deprecation. needs-priority Indicates a PR lacks a `priority/foo` label and requires one. needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. release-note-action-required Denotes a PR that introduces potentially breaking changes that require user action. sig/node Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Node. sig/scalability Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Scalability. sig/storage Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Storage. sig/testing Categorizes an issue or PR as relevant to SIG Testing. size/XL Denotes a PR that changes 500-999 lines, ignoring generated files.
#124544 opened Apr 26, 2024 by carlory Loading…
ProTip! no:milestone will show everything without a milestone.