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FirebaseRecyclerView with List<DatabaseRefefence> support in Kotlin(could be used seamlessly with Java as well)

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FirebaseRecyclerView(List DatabaseReference support)

Following snippet could be used for senario like if you want to load recycler view from multiple firebase database urls or references or you want to create multiple card(child View) in single recycler view from multiple locations

Implement following firebase recycler view for List of (firebase) database reference in single recycler View

Make FirebasebaseRecyclerAdapter.kt file as

import android.util.Log
import android.view.LayoutInflater
import android.view.View
import android.view.ViewGroup
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
import java.util.ArrayList

abstract class FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<T, VH : RecyclerView.ViewHolder>
internal constructor(private val mModelClass: Class<T>,
                     protected var mModelLayout: Int,
                     protected var mViewHolderClass: Class<VH>,
                     private var mSnapshots: FirebaseArray)
    : RecyclerView.Adapter<VH>() {

    init {

        mSnapshots.setOnChangedListener(object : ChangeEventListener {
            override fun onChildChanged(type: ChangeEventListener.EventType, index: Int, oldIndex: Int) {
                this@FirebaseRecyclerAdapter.onChildChanged(type, index, oldIndex)

            override fun onDataChanged() {

            override fun onCancelled(error: DatabaseError) {

     * @param modelClass      Firebase will marshall the data at a location into
     * *                        an instance of a class that you provide
     * *
     * @param modelLayout     This is the layout used to represent a single item in the list.
     * *                        You will be responsible for populating an instance of the corresponding
     * *                        view with the data from an instance of modelClass.
     * *
     * @param viewHolderClass The class that hold references to all sub-views in an instance modelLayout.
     * *
     * @param ref             The Firebase location to watch for data changes. Can also be a slice of a location,
     * *                        using some combination of `limit()`, `startAt()`, and `endAt()`.
    constructor(modelClass: Class<T>, modelLayout: Int,
                viewHolderClass: Class<VH>, ref: List<Query>)
            : this(modelClass, modelLayout, viewHolderClass, FirebaseArray(ref))

    fun cleanup() {

    override fun getItemCount(): Int {
        return mSnapshots.count

    fun getItem(position: Int): T? {
        return parseSnapshot(mSnapshots.getItem(position))

     * This method parses the DataSnapshot into the requested type. You can override it in subclasses
     * to do custom parsing.

     * @param snapshot the DataSnapshot to extract the model from
     * *
     * @return the model extracted from the DataSnapshot
    protected fun parseSnapshot(snapshot: DataSnapshot): T? {
        return snapshot.getValue(mModelClass)

    fun getRef(position: Int): DatabaseReference {
        return mSnapshots.getItem(position).ref

    fun getDataSnapshot(position: Int) : DataSnapshot{
        return mSnapshots.getItem(position)

    override fun getItemId(position: Int): Long {
        return mSnapshots.getItem(position).key.hashCode().toLong()

    override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): VH {
        val view = LayoutInflater.from(parent.context).inflate(viewType, parent, false)
        try {
            val constructor = mViewHolderClass.getConstructor(
            return constructor.newInstance(view)
        } catch (e: NoSuchMethodException) {
            throw RuntimeException(e)
        } catch (e: InvocationTargetException) {
            throw RuntimeException(e)
        } catch (e: InstantiationException) {
            throw RuntimeException(e)
        } catch (e: IllegalAccessException) {
            throw RuntimeException(e)


    override fun onBindViewHolder(viewHolder: VH, position: Int) {
        val model = getItem(position)
        if (model != null) {
            populateViewHolder(viewHolder, model, position)

    override fun getItemViewType(position: Int): Int {
        return mModelLayout

    open fun onChildChanged(type: ChangeEventListener.EventType, index: Int, oldIndex: Int) {
        when (type) {
            ChangeEventListener.EventType.ADDED -> notifyItemInserted(index)
            ChangeEventListener.EventType.CHANGED -> notifyItemChanged(index)
            ChangeEventListener.EventType.REMOVED -> notifyItemRemoved(index)
            ChangeEventListener.EventType.MOVED -> notifyItemMoved(oldIndex, index)

    protected fun onDataChanged() {}

    open fun onCancelled(error: DatabaseError) {
        Log.w(TAG, error.toException())

     * Each time the data at the given Firebase location changes,
     * this method will be called for each item that needs to be displayed.
     * The first two arguments correspond to the mLayout and mModelClass given to the constructor of
     * this class. The third argument is the item's position in the list.
     * Your implementation should populate the view using the data contained in the model.

     * @param viewHolder The view to populate
     * *
     * @param model      The object containing the data used to populate the view
     * *
     * @param position   The position in the list of the view being populated
    protected abstract fun populateViewHolder(viewHolder: VH, model: T, position: Int)

    fun notifyDataChanged(refs: List<Query>) {
        mSnapshots = FirebaseArray(refs)
        mSnapshots.setOnChangedListener(object : ChangeEventListener {
            override fun onChildChanged(type: ChangeEventListener.EventType, index: Int, oldIndex: Int) {
                this@FirebaseRecyclerAdapter.onChildChanged(type, index, oldIndex)

            override fun onDataChanged() {

            override fun onCancelled(error: DatabaseError) {

    companion object {
        private val TAG = "CustomAdapter"

internal class FirebaseArray(private val mQueries: List<Query>) : ChildEventListener, ValueEventListener {
    private var mListener: ChangeEventListener? = null
    private val mSnapshots = ArrayList<DataSnapshot>()

    init {
        for (mQuery in mQueries) {

    fun cleanup() {
        for (mQuery in mQueries) {
            mQuery.removeEventListener(this as ValueEventListener)
            mQuery.removeEventListener(this as ChildEventListener)

    val count: Int
        get() = mSnapshots.size

    fun getItem(index: Int): DataSnapshot {
        return mSnapshots[index]

    private fun getIndexForKey(key: String): Int {
        var index = 0
        for (snapshot in mSnapshots) {
            if (snapshot.key == key) {
                return index
            } else {
        throw IllegalArgumentException("Key not found")

    override fun onChildAdded(snapshot: DataSnapshot, previousChildKey: String?) {
        var index = 0
        if (previousChildKey != null) {
            index = getIndexForKey(previousChildKey) + 1
        mSnapshots.add(index, snapshot)
        notifyChangedListeners(ChangeEventListener.EventType.ADDED, index)

    override fun onChildChanged(snapshot: DataSnapshot, previousChildKey: String) {
        val index = getIndexForKey(snapshot.key)
        mSnapshots[index] = snapshot
        notifyChangedListeners(ChangeEventListener.EventType.CHANGED, index)

    override fun onChildRemoved(snapshot: DataSnapshot) {
        val index = getIndexForKey(snapshot.key)
        notifyChangedListeners(ChangeEventListener.EventType.REMOVED, index)

    override fun onChildMoved(snapshot: DataSnapshot, previousChildKey: String?) {
        val oldIndex = getIndexForKey(snapshot.key)
        var newIndex = mSnapshots.size
        if (previousChildKey != null) {
            newIndex = getIndexForKey(previousChildKey) + 1
        mSnapshots.add(newIndex, snapshot)
        notifyChangedListeners(ChangeEventListener.EventType.MOVED, newIndex, oldIndex)

    override fun onDataChange(dataSnapshot: DataSnapshot) {

    override fun onCancelled(error: DatabaseError) {

    fun setOnChangedListener(listener: ChangeEventListener?) {
        mListener = listener

    @JvmOverloads fun notifyChangedListeners(type: ChangeEventListener.EventType, index: Int, oldIndex: Int = -1) {
        if (mListener != null) {
            mListener?.onChildChanged(type, index, oldIndex)

    fun notifyCancelledListeners(error: DatabaseError) {
        if (mListener != null) {
interface ChangeEventListener {
     * The type of event received when a child has been updated.
    enum class EventType {
         * An onChildAdded event was received.

         * An onChildChanged event was received.

         * An onChildRemoved event was received.

         * An onChildMoved event was received.


     * A callback for when a child has changed in FirebaseArray.

     * @param type     The type of event received
     * *
     * @param index    The index at which the change occurred
     * *
     * @param oldIndex If `type` is a moved event, the previous index of the moved child.
     * *                 For any other event, `oldIndex` will be -1.
    fun onChildChanged(type: EventType, index: Int, oldIndex: Int)

    /** This method will be triggered each time updates from the database have been completely processed.
     * So the first time this method is called, the initial data has been loaded - including the case
     * when no data at all is available. Each next time the method is called, a complete update (potentially
     * consisting of updates to multiple child items) has been completed.
     * You would typically override this method to hide a loading indicator (after the initial load) or
     * to complete a batch update to a UI element.
    fun onDataChanged()

     * This method will be triggered in the event that this listener either failed at the server,
     * or is removed as a result of the security and Firebase Database rules.

     * @param error A description of the error that occurred
    fun onCancelled(error: DatabaseError)


FirebaseRecyclerView with List<DatabaseRefefence> support in Kotlin(could be used seamlessly with Java as well)






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