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So, here is another place in the Internet where someone is backing up her configuration files. To use them, try out using GNU Stow as described in this article. Here are some details about the provided configurations.

Stow can be use with top level dependencies, in this case: bash, emacs, xmonad, git


See emacs related config here


This is the configuration for xmonad. It also requires a very recent taffybar, that you can just grab from upstream. Check xmonad.hs to figure out all the other dependencies, like suckless-tools, cinnamon, among others.

It also depends on wallpaperd which may be installed separatelly.

After installing the configuration, you may need to do:

Extra stuff to make it work good

#. xdotool, the version in _deps/xdotool

    cd _deps/xdotool
    sudo apt install libxtst-dev libxkbcommon-dev
    sudo make install

#. sudo apt instal wmctrl

#. Our version of the numix theme (maybe):

git submodule update xmonad/.themes/Numix
cd ~/.themes/Numix


Here is some bash stuff. Now it is all modularized in a .bash.d folder, with .bash.d/init.bash being the entry point.


Git configuration too, yeah!


Basic configuration for NixOS (: