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Gradle plugin for JaCoCo code coverage in tests using Gradle TestKit.


There is no built-it support for code coverage in TestKit. Those tests run in separate JVM and configuration of JaCoCo plugin is not taken into account. See Gradle forum post for more details.


  • Apply plugin in build.gradle:
plugins {
  id "pl.droidsonroids.jacoco.testkit" version "1.0.12"

This will add system resource.

  • Create file used by GradleRunner and populate it with content from mentioned resource. Sample kotlin code:
class AwesomeTest {

    fun InputStream.toFile(file: File) {
        use { input ->
            file.outputStream().use { input.copyTo(it) }

    fun GradleRunner.withJaCoCo(): GradleRunner {
        javaClass.classLoader.getResourceAsStream("").toFile(File(projectDir, ""))
        return this

    val temporaryFolder = TemporaryProjectFolder()

    fun `empty project builds successfuly`() {
        val result = GradleRunner.create()

Adding coverage for another task (ex. integrationTest)

By default the plugin configures the test task for any project with Java plugin applied.

To configure the coverage for another task just add something like this:

jacocoTestKit {
    applyTo("intTestRuntimeOnly", tasks.named("integrationTest"))

Custom JaCoCo destination file

JaCoCo destination file path reads it from the JacocoTaskExtension so you can change it like this:

tasks.named("test").configure {
    jacoco {
        destinationFile = file('integration.exec')


Minimum supported versions:

  • Gradle: 7.6
  • Java: 1.8

Backwards compatibility

Migrating from 1.0.9 or older

Starting from version 1.0.10 the legacy plugin coordinates have changed. For example:




Note the gradle.plugin prefix has gone. This change does NOT affect the plugins DSL:

plugins {
  id("pl.droidsonroids.jacoco.testkit") version "1.0.10"