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Releases: koolreport/core

Core 6.5.0

28 Mar 08:47
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  1. Add checking filePath openable on init in CSVDataSource.
  2. Add separated port setting to MySQLDataSource.
  3. Support for separating widget's html and init client script so that developers could manage client scripts for their own likes
  4. Support Bootstrap 5
  5. Add Brackets for Filter process
  6. Add function to Filter process, add xor logic
  7. Add RowNumColumn process, similar to CalculatedColumn's rownum but simpler
  8. Add "betweenInclusive" and "notBetweenInclusive" for Filter process
  9. Add using existed connection option for PDO, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, and Oracle datasources
  10. Fix Table's and Google Chart's eval bug when column formatValue is a Math formula string

Core 6.2.0

26 Sep 09:19
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  1. Fix Utility's arrayToDatastore function when there's only one column.
  2. Update Google chart to use Date type in X axis for zoom option to work.

Core 6.1.0

31 Mar 08:08
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  1. Fix dynamic properties in PHP 8.2.
  2. Fix mull meta column key in core/Table widget.
  3. Add event "init", "drawing" and "drawed" to google chart
  4. Add public viewDir property for KoolReport class to find view files from that directory.
  5. Add public renderingVariables property for KoolReport class to use in view files.

Core 6.0.1

03 Oct 12:22
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  1. Fix forced string cast of report's "assets" setting.

Core 6.0.0

23 Sep 08:35
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  1. Improve Table's client function handleRemoveDuplicate for much faster rendering.
  2. Add closeCursor to statement in PdoDataSource.
  3. Fix the string function with null parameter in PHP8.1
  4. Upgrade jquery to 3.5.0
  5. Add Shuffle process to randomize data order.

Core 5.6.2

17 May 04:26
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  1. Fix: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLServer data sources when binding array with more than 10 values.
  2. Fix: bug with DataStore's offsetGet method.

Core 5.6.1

05 May 03:50
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  1. Fix DataStore's generator method.
  2. Fix DataStore's deprecated methods in PHP 8.1.

Core 5.6.0

22 Apr 07:04
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  1. Added: AssetManager ability to load resources with absolute paths.
  2. Improved: PDODataSource, MySQLDataSource, PostgreSQLDataSource, SQLSRVDataSource, OracleDataSource to be able to bind params with any orders, duplicated names, array params for WHERE IN (only PDODataSource supports this before).
  3. Added: SQL-like like and not like operator for Filter process.
  4. Add useGenerator method for report.
  5. Add charset and session_mode properties for OracleDataSource.

Core 5.5.0

15 Nov 09:36
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  1. Added: PDODataSource is able to execute other statement like update, delete with execute() method
  2. Added: Forward process
  3. Added: Multiple "role" => "annotation" columns for Google chart
  4. Added: Hebrew language file for Table widget
  5. Added: Alias rowspan and groupCellsInColumns for removeDuplicate of Koolphp Table widget
  6. Added: make removeDuplicate work with both column names and column orders

Core 5.1.0

07 Jul 08:47
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  1. Fixed: Calculate correctly the document root folder
  2. Added: Add port option to PostgreSQLDataSource
  3. Added: Ability to change version of Google Charts
  4. Added: Ability to set language locale for Google Charts
  5. Added: Ability to render empty sub report for later updating from client
  6. Improved: Calculate correctly the document root folder
  7. Added: port option to PostgreSQLDataSource
  8. Fixed: uksort call in various datasources to work with PHP 8.x
  9. Added: fetchData method to OracleDataSource, PostgreSQLDataSource, SQLSRVDataSource