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Aquaverse: Main Aquarium Web Page

This web page renders through github pages at

Customizing the menu

Documentation is mainly stored in the docs directory, with images in subdirectories. The menu on the left sidebar is editable via the js/definitions.js file, which defines a global variable config that is a hash with an array valued field called navigation. Each entry in the navigation array looks something like

      category: "Overview",
      contents: [
        { name: "About", type: "local-html", path: "about.html" },
        { name: "License", type: "local-md", path: ""  },
        { name: "Releases", type: "local-html", path: "releases.html"  },
        { name: "Contributors", type: "local-md", path: ""  },
        { name: "API", type: "external-link", path: "" },

Links in Files Documentation

To insert an image in a document, use either an md image tag like the following

[Plan Designer](docs/designer/images/designer-overview.png)

or, if you want css styling, an html image tag like

  alt="Plan Designer"
  style="max-width: 400px"

To link to a section in the same document, you can use a relative tag. For example, if you have a subsection specified with

## My Section

you would refer to it with

[My Section](#mysection)

where the tag is all lowercase and the spaces have been removed.

To link to another page of the documentation, as specified in js/definitions.js, use a hyperlink of the following form:

<a href="#" onclick="select('Lab Management','Inventory Definitions')">
  Inventory Definitions

Serving these pages locally

npm install -g local-web-server
ws --spa

External links

Because a page is constructed on the fly, the page will not have a specific URL. However, it is possible to link to a page using URLs using the category and content name from the navigation configuration using the pattern{category}&content={content}. (Substitute %20 for spaces.)

For instance, the following are valid links:
