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make dynamic and arbitrary breakpoint in your nginx lua code and inspect the info


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It's useful to set arbitrary breakpoint in any lua file to inspect the context information, e.g. print local variables if some condition satisfied.

In this way, you don't need to modify the source code of your project, and just get diagnose information on demand, i.e. dynamic logging.

Why not modify the source code to debug?

  • The production environment doesn't allow to modify the code, and you should not to.
  • bad code changes would pollute the business source code.
  • You need to reload nginx to make code changes take effect, which ruins the online business.
  • It's difficult to change code in container.
  • It's easy to forget rolling back the changes after debug. And it's hard to roll back completely.

This library supports setting breakpoints within both interpretd function and jit compiled function. The breakpoint could be at any position within the function. The function could be global/local/module/ananymous.

It works for luajit2.1 or lua5.1.

This library has been used to implement inspect plugin of APISIX:

Use cases

  • locate the issue source
  • print some masked logs
  • learn from huge source code via debugging


  • non-intrusive, bad code in the breakpint doesn't affect the business source code
  • set breakpoint at any position
  • dynamic breakpoint
  • Customized breakpoint handler
  • you could define one-shot breakpoint
  • work for jit compiled function
  • if function reference specified, then performance impact is only bound to that function (JIT compiled code will not trigger debug hook, so they would run fast even if hook is enabled)
  • if all breakpoints deleted, jit could recover

Operation Graph



require("resty.inspect.dbg").set_hook(file, line, func, filter_func)

The breakpoint is specified by file (full qualified or short file name) and the line number.

The func specified the scope (which function or global) of jit cache to flush:

  • If the breakpoint is related to a module function or global function, you should set it that function reference, then only the jit cache of that function would be flushed, and it would not affect other caches to avoid slowing down other parts of the program.
  • If the breakpointis related to local function or anonymous function, then you have to set it to nil (because no way to get function reference), which would flush the whole jit cache of lua vm.

You attach a filter_func function of the breakpoint, the function takes the info as argument and returns true of false to determine whether the breakpoint would be removed. You could setup one-shot breakpoint at ease.

The info is a hash table which contains below keys:

  • finfo: return value of debug.getinfo(level, "nSlf")
  • uv: upvalues hash table
  • vals: local variables hash table

require("resty.inspect.dbg").unset_hook(file, line)

remove the specific breakpoint.

require("resty.inspect").init(delay, file)

Setup a timer (in delay interval, in seconds) to monitor specific file to setup the needed breakpoints. You could modify that file to configure breakpoints on-the-fly. Delete that file would unset all breakpoints. It's recommanded to use soft link file trick.


Destroy the monitor timer.


-- example_hooks.lua
local dbg = require "resty.inspect.dbg"

-- print stack backtrace and variable `conf_key`
dbg.set_hook("limit-req.lua", 88, require("apisix.plugins.limit-req").access,
    ngx.log(ngx.INFO, debug.traceback("foo traceback", 3))
    ngx.log(ngx.INFO, dbg.getname(info.finfo))
    ngx.log(ngx.INFO, "conf_key=", info.vals.conf_key)
    return true

-- send info to remote server if var `i` is 222
dbg.set_hook("t/lib/demo.lua", 31, require("t.lib.demo").hot2, function(info)
    if info.vals.i == 222 then, function(_, body)
            local httpc = require("resty.http").new()
            httpc:request_uri("", {
                method = "POST",
                body = body,
        end, ngx.var.request_uri .. "," .. info.vals.i)
        return true
    return false

-- get worker id only if `sync_data` is one of the function callers
dbg.set_hook("apisix/upstream.lua", 506, nil, function(info)
    if debug.traceback("demo traceback", 3):find("sync_data") then
        ngx.log(ngx.WARN, "",
        return true
    return false

-- check when new route configuration get updated by data plane
local cjson = require("cjson")
dbg.set_hook("apisix/core/config_etcd.lua", 393, nil, function(info)
    local filter_res = "/routes"
    if info.vals.self.key:sub(-#filter_res) == filter_res and not info.vals.err then
        ngx.log(ngx.WARN, "etcd watch /routes response: ", cjson.encode(info.vals.dir_res))
        return true
    return false

The breakpoint handler could be arbitrary lua code, so you could do anything there, not just printing logs.

But, note that async code, e.g. cosocket, should not run in the breakpoint directly, because the execution of the breakpint handler function is synchronous and blocking, and you have no chance to return to the nginx event loop until completion.

Instead, you could use a timer to postpone the async code, just like what I did above.


To setup breakpoint within jit compiled function, it needs to flush the jit cache first.

Depending on the scope of jit cache flush, if you only flush the specific function cache, then it only slows down that function execution, otherwise, it would slow down the whole jit cache of lua vm.

When the breakpoints are enabled, the lua vm could not trace new hot paths and compile them.

But when the breakpoints disappear, the lua vm would recover jit tracing.

Conservatively, this library is mainly useful for functional debug without stress.


1. example/nginx.conf

error_log /dev/stderr info;
worker_processes auto;

events {}

http {
    lua_package_path '/opt/lua-resty-inspect/example/?.lua;/opt/lua-resty-inspect/lib/?.lua;/opt/lua-resty-inspect/lib/?/init.lua;/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/?.lua;/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/?.lua;;';
    lua_package_cpath '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/?.so;;';

    init_worker_by_lua_block {
        local inspect = require "resty.inspect"
        inspect.init(1, "/opt/lua-resty-inspect/example/resty_inspect_hooks.lua")

    server {
        listen 10000;

        location / {
            content_by_lua_block {
                local hot = require("hot")

                -- hook enabled, jit flush, slow
                hot.timeit(, "foo")

                -- hook removed, tracing
                hot.timeit(, "foo")

                -- jit, fast
                hot.timeit(, "foo")


2. example/resty_inspect_hooks1.lua

local dbg = require "resty.inspect.dbg"
local cjson = require "cjson"
local hot = require "hot"

-- short file name
-- foo is module function, so here we just flush jit cache of foo function
dbg.set_hook("hot.lua", 9,, function(info)
    if info.vals.i == 100 then
        ngx.log(ngx.INFO, debug.traceback("foo traceback", 3))
        ngx.log(ngx.INFO, dbg.getname(info.finfo))
        ngx.log(ngx.INFO, cjson.encode(info.vals))
        ngx.log(ngx.INFO, cjson.encode(info.uv))
        return true
    return false

3. example/resty_inspect_hooks2.lua

local dbg = require "resty.inspect.dbg"
local cjson = require "cjson"
local hot = require "hot"

-- short file name
-- foo is module function, so here we just flush jit cache of foo function
dbg.set_hook("hot.lua", 9,, function(info)
    if info.vals.i == 100 then
        ngx.log(ngx.INFO, debug.traceback("foo traceback", 3))
        ngx.log(ngx.INFO, dbg.getname(info.finfo))
        ngx.log(ngx.INFO, cjson.encode(info.vals))
        ngx.log(ngx.INFO, cjson.encode(info.uv))
        return true
    return false

-- more specific file name
-- bar is local function, so it have to flush the whole jit cache
dbg.set_hook("example/hot.lua", 17, nil, function(info)
    if info.vals.i == 99 then
        ngx.log(ngx.INFO, debug.traceback("bar traceback", 3))
        ngx.log(ngx.INFO, dbg.getname(info.finfo))
        return true
    return false

4. test

Setup the test env:

luarocks install cjson socket lfs
cd /opt
git clone
cd /opt/lua-resty-inspect
/usr/local/openresty-debug/nginx/sbin/nginx -p /opt/lua-resty-inspect/example/ -c nginx.conf -g "daemon off;"

Nginx log output explanation:

### no breakpoints initially, because the breakpoints file resty_inspect_hooks.lua not exist

### setup foo breakpoint

ln -sf /opt/lua-resty-inspect/example/resty_inspect_hooks1.lua /opt/lua-resty-inspect/example/resty_inspect_hooks.lua

2022/08/28 21:44:12 [info] 2688226#2688226: *31 [lua] init.lua:29: setup_hooks(): set hooks: err=nil, hooks=["hot.lua#9"], context: ngx.timer

### trigger the hot.lua execution

curl localhost:10000/get

### breakpoint on foo() function triggered
### print related information around the breakpoint

2022/08/28 21:44:28 [info] 2688226#2688226: *47 [lua] resty_inspect_hooks.lua:9: foo traceback
stack traceback:
         /opt/lua-resty-inspect/lib/resty/inspect/dbg.lua:50: in function '__index'
         /opt/lua-resty-inspect/example/hot.lua:9: in function 'func'
         /opt/lua-resty-inspect/example/hot.lua:24: in function 'timeit'
         content_by_lua(nginx.conf:35):5: in main chunk, client:, server: , request: "GET /get HTTP/1.1", host: "localhost:10000"
2022/08/28 21:44:28 [info] 2688226#2688226: *47 [lua] resty_inspect_hooks.lua:10: /opt/lua-resty-inspect/example/hot.lua:9 (func), client:, server: , request:
  "GET /get HTTP/1.1", host: "localhost:10000"
2022/08/28 21:44:28 [info] 2688226#2688226: *47 [lua] resty_inspect_hooks.lua:11: {"i":100,"j":1}, client:, server: , request: "GET /get HTTP/1.1", host: "localhost:10000"
2022/08/28 21:44:28 [info] 2688226#2688226: *47 [lua] resty_inspect_hooks.lua:12: {"s":"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall"}, client:, server: , request: "GET /get HTTP/1.1", host: "localhost:10000"

### the breakpoint only affect the jit cache of foo, so you could see that the foo execution is slow,
### but the bar function is still fast

2022/08/28 21:44:28 [info] 2688226#2688226: *47 [lua] hot.lua:26: timeit(): timeit foo: 81.11 msecs, client:, server: , request: "GET /get HTTP/1.1", host: "l
2022/08/28 21:44:28 [info] 2688226#2688226: *47 [lua] hot.lua:26: timeit(): timeit bar: 0.12 msecs, client:, server: , request: "GET /get HTTP/1.1", host: "lo

### the breakpoint is setup to be one-shot, so you could see that the latter foo would redo the jit tracing, and becomes fast again

2022/08/28 21:44:28 [info] 2688226#2688226: *47 [lua] hot.lua:26: timeit(): timeit foo: 0.56 msecs, client:, server: , request: "GET /get HTTP/1.1", host: "localhost:10000"
2022/08/28 21:44:28 [info] 2688226#2688226: *47 [lua] hot.lua:26: timeit(): timeit bar: 0.04 msecs, client:, server: , request: "GET /get HTTP/1.1", host: "localhost:10000"
2022/08/28 21:44:28 [info] 2688226#2688226: *47 [lua] hot.lua:26: timeit(): timeit foo: 0.05 msecs, client:, server: , request: "GET /get HTTP/1.1", host: "localhost:10000"
2022/08/28 21:44:28 [info] 2688226#2688226: *47 [lua] hot.lua:26: timeit(): timeit bar: 0.04 msecs, client:, server: , request: "GET /get HTTP/1.1", host: "localhost:10000"
2022/08/28 21:44:28 [info] 2688226#2688226: *48 [lua] init.lua:57: alive hooks: {}, context: ngx.timer
2022/08/28 21:44:33 [info] 2688226#2688226: *53 [lua] init.lua:57: alive hooks: {}, context: ngx.timer
2022/08/28 21:44:38 [info] 2688226#2688226: *58 [lua] init.lua:57: alive hooks: {}, context: ngx.timer
2022/08/28 21:44:43 [info] 2688226#2688226: *63 [lua] init.lua:57: alive hooks: {}, context: ngx.timer
2022/08/28 21:44:48 [info] 2688226#2688226: *68 [lua] init.lua:57: alive hooks: {}, context: ngx.timer

## setup two breakpoints again

ln -sf /opt/lua-resty-inspect/example/resty_inspect_hooks2.lua /opt/lua-resty-inspect/example/resty_inspect_hooks.lua

## breakpoints enabled

2022/08/28 21:44:49 [info] 2688226#2688226: *69 [lua] init.lua:29: setup_hooks(): set hooks: err=nil, hooks=["hot.lua#9","example\/hot.lua#17"], context: ngx.timer

## The bar breakpoint clears the whole jit cache, so you could see that it slows down everything

2022/08/28 21:45:03 [info] 2688226#2688226: *84 [lua] resty_inspect_hooks.lua:9: foo traceback
stack traceback:
        /opt/lua-resty-inspect/lib/resty/inspect/dbg.lua:50: in function '__index'
        /opt/lua-resty-inspect/example/hot.lua:9: in function 'func'
        /opt/lua-resty-inspect/example/hot.lua:24: in function 'timeit'
        content_by_lua(nginx.conf:35):5: in main chunk, client:, server: , request: "GET /get HTTP/1.1", host: "localhost:10000"
2022/08/28 21:45:03 [info] 2688226#2688226: *84 [lua] resty_inspect_hooks.lua:10: /opt/lua-resty-inspect/example/hot.lua:9 (func), client:, server: , request:
 "GET /get HTTP/1.1", host: "localhost:10000"
2022/08/28 21:45:03 [info] 2688226#2688226: *84 [lua] resty_inspect_hooks.lua:11: {"i":100,"j":1}, client:, server: , request: "GET /get HTTP/1.1", host: "loc
2022/08/28 21:45:03 [info] 2688226#2688226: *84 [lua] resty_inspect_hooks.lua:12: {"s":"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall"}, client: 12, server: , request: "GET /get HTTP/1.1", host: "localhost:10000"
2022/08/28 21:45:03 [info] 2688226#2688226: *84 [lua] hot.lua:26: timeit(): timeit foo: 68.49 msecs, client:, server: , request: "GET /get HTTP/1.1", host: "l
2022/08/28 21:45:03 [info] 2688226#2688226: *84 [lua] resty_inspect_hooks.lua:22: bar traceback
stack traceback:
        /opt/lua-resty-inspect/lib/resty/inspect/dbg.lua:50: in function '__index'
        /opt/lua-resty-inspect/example/hot.lua:17: in function 'func'
        /opt/lua-resty-inspect/example/hot.lua:24: in function 'timeit'
        /opt/lua-resty-inspect/example/hot.lua:30: in function 'run_bar'
        content_by_lua(nginx.conf:35):6: in main chunk, client:, server: , request: "GET /get HTTP/1.1", host: "localhost:10000"
2022/08/28 21:45:03 [info] 2688226#2688226: *84 [lua] resty_inspect_hooks.lua:23: /opt/lua-resty-inspect/example/hot.lua:17 (func), client:, server: , request
: "GET /get HTTP/1.1", host: "localhost:10000"
2022/08/28 21:45:03 [info] 2688226#2688226: *84 [lua] hot.lua:26: timeit(): timeit bar: 63.60 msecs, client:, server: , request: "GET /get HTTP/1.1", host: "l
2022/08/28 21:45:03 [info] 2688226#2688226: *84 [lua] hot.lua:26: timeit(): timeit foo: 0.64 msecs, client:, server: , request: "GET /get HTTP/1.1", host: "lo
2022/08/28 21:45:03 [info] 2688226#2688226: *84 [lua] hot.lua:26: timeit(): timeit bar: 0.11 msecs, client:, server: , request: "GET /get HTTP/1.1", host: "lo
2022/08/28 21:45:03 [info] 2688226#2688226: *84 [lua] hot.lua:26: timeit(): timeit foo: 0.07 msecs, client:, server: , request: "GET /get HTTP/1.1", host: "lo
2022/08/28 21:45:03 [info] 2688226#2688226: *84 [lua] hot.lua:26: timeit(): timeit bar: 0.03 msecs, client:, server: , request: "GET /get HTTP/1.1", host: "lo
2022/08/28 21:45:08 [info] 2688226#2688226: *89 [lua] init.lua:57: alive hooks: {}, context: ngx.timer

## remove hooks

rm -f /opt/lua-resty-inspect/example/resty_inspect_hooks.lua


make dynamic and arbitrary breakpoint in your nginx lua code and inspect the info








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