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Releases: kiavashfaisali/KFSwiftImageLoader

Swift 5.1 Updates and Modernizations Throughout

29 Nov 21:13
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Many great performance and modernizations taking full advantage of Swift 5.1 and the latest iOS release.

Swift 3.0 Modernization and Updates

03 Oct 02:43
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Sweeping updates throughout to ensure KFSwiftImageLoader is fully optimized for Swift 3.0.

Bug Fix Release 2.0.1

15 Oct 06:58
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Fixed some bugs where timeoutIntervalForRequest and requestCachePolicy weren't being set properly on the session's configuration.

Swift 2.0 Updates and Xcode 7.0 Compatibility

12 Oct 06:26
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This release contains major updates and optimizations using the latest and greatest from Swift 2.0 and Xcode 7.0.