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Frequently Asked Questions

Khee-Hong Loke edited this page Jan 18, 2016 · 4 revisions

Q: I can't play Vevo videos on YouTube!

A: Most Vevo videos on YouTube have some kind of licensing restriction associated with it, which is the reason why they can't be played on Kodi by default. To play these videos, you will have to install the Bromix Repository add-on for Kodi. This repository includes a version of the YouTube add-on that has been updated to play Vevo videos. To install, download the Bromix repository zip file and do the following on Kodi:

  1. Navigate to System > Settings > Add-ons
  2. Select Install from zip file
  3. Navigate to the zip file you just downloaded
  4. Hit OK
  5. Wait a few minutes for Kodi to download the necessary add-ons
  6. Finished!

Q: Please make an Android version!

A: There's already an app called Yatse that does the same thing and more! If you have the app installed, simply "Share" the YouTube video from the YouTube app to Yatse and it will play it on Kodi.

Q: Vimeo doesn't work anymore, please fix it!

A: This is actually a problem with the Vimeo add-on on Kodi. It looks like the developer of that add-on had already abandoned the project, so I don't expect it to be fixed anytime soon. I have removed Vimeo from the list of supported sites. That means I won't be supporting Vimeo until someone fixes or creates a new Vimeo add-on that works.

Q: Can you add a feature to display the current Queue list in the extension?

A: I would love to, but I can't. This is a problem with the way add-ons work on Kodi. When queueing an online video on Kodi to be played on a specific add-on, a video ID (taken from the web page) and the add-on's name is sent to Kodi to be queued. The problem with that is Kodi doesn't know what the title of the video is until it is played because the add-on is not run until it is played. So when a bunch of online videos are queued on Kodi, and the extension requests the playlist from Kodi, Kodi would only return a list of videos with no names, therefore making it pretty much useless.

Q: Can you make the extension send Wake-On-Lan packets?

A: No, unfortunately. The extensions API on Chrome does not provide anything that would allow that to happen.

Q: The button next to the URL box takes up space, can you remove it?

A: No, because there are remote control buttons that are useful even when the current page doesn't have any playable videos. If you don't like it, you can hide it by right clicking on the button and click "Hide button".

Q: How do I make sure I stream 720p/1080p videos from YouTube?

A: This is controlled by the YouTube add-on on Kodi. You can set this by navigating to Videos > Add-ons. Move your cursor to YouTube, and hit "c" on your keyboard, then select "Add-on settings". Change "Video Quality" to whatever you want.

Q: It would be great if I could queue a playlist.

A: Fortunately for you, you already can! If you're current viewing a playlist or playing a playlist on YouTube, simply click on the extension, click on the dropdown next to +Favourite and click "Queue Playlist"!

Q: Can you explain those permissions?

  • Your data on all websites: Needed so that the extension could send JSON requests to any URL that you might put in the settings. I'm not saving any of your data or sending them anywhere. You can look at the source code to verify my claim.
  • Your tabs and browsing activity: Used only for getting the URL of the current tab so that we could use it to obtain the video id for sending to XBMC. Again, I'm not saving any of your activities or sending them anywhere. You can look at the source code to verify my claim.